Accident in more ways then one

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Louis Tomlinson

I woke up quite refreshed this morning. I feel a lot then I did last night. Those nandos were killer. I decided to do something special for Maggie. I hope I remember exactly where she lives. I didn’t waste any time, but I did bump into Liam. He seemed pretty off this morning. It may all just be in my mind. I hope it is. 

“How you this morning, Liam?” I asked him before he could ask me where I was headed.

:I’m pretty sluggish mate. I think I’m coming down with something. Why you so hype this morning? Usually you are still in bed and it’s 9 am? Have you been smoking something?” I laugh at his attempt to be funny. 

“No, I just want to surprise Maggie.” I saw a flash of something in Liam’s eyes that I couldn’t decode. He is a very readable guy, but today everything is off.

“Oh, I’m glad you two have each other.” He said and almost fell.

“Mate, you are sure your okay?” I ask him after getting him steady.

“I need some sleep that’s all. I’ll go back to my room now.” He carefully goes back into his room. He was fine yesterday, what does he have? I shook my head. I hope that he is going to be okay. Before I can change my mind, I get my keys and walk outside. It was pretty chiily outside. I wish I was back in England, Alabama is nice and all, but I miss my home and this seems too lonely for me. 

As I get to my car, I slip on some ice on the parking lot. I slowly got up before it could happen again. This is the time I should have brought my ice boots. I didn’t think it would get this cold in December, now I know it does.

I get to my car finally. I’m the only one in the band besides Liam can drive and I like that, so we can go anywhere out of the xfactor house, when we were still in it. I got out of the parking lot easy and started down the road the way I was supposed to. You Americans and your different driving styles. I drove faster because I was excited about seeing Maggie again. I missed her so much even though it’s been just a day we have seen each other. I kept getting faster knowing that I was going too fast. 

The red light came up too fast and I had no time to react. I tried slamming on my brakes, but when I did my car started to spin uncontrollable in the intersection. I seen it before it happened, an eightwheeler smashed into my side of the car. I was going too fast and hit another car before I could understand what was happening. The light falls out of my eyes as I drift into unconsincesness. 

Liam Payne

I got out of the bed this morning and I was overcome with this severe drowsiness. I know I just woke up, but this was different like I was still in deep sleep and couldn’t wake up. I bumped into Louis this morning shortly after that, but I didn’t really pay attention until he said he was going to surprise her. I felt hurt and every emotion in the book, but I tried to play it off and I believe that it worked as well as it could. When he finally left, I walked to my room and lay back down. I don’t understand what’s wrong with me. I felt great yesterday and now I’m like half dead. I try to get out of bed and the action was impossible then I hear 




My phone goes off on my dresser. This is when I need to get up. My legs are like rubber, but I somehow manage to get my phone before the person or whoever it is hangs up. The words I hear make me fall to the floor and I lay there for what seems like forever. The words I hear are:

“Is this Liam Payne? Your friend, Louis Tomlinson has been in a fatal car accident is at the hospital as we speak. You need to get down here right now.”

I still lay on the floor, thinking why should I get up?  I know I need to see him and I also need to give him this letter to give to Maggie. I’m about to get up and my phone rings again.

“Liam, it’s Maggie. I was watching the news. There was a terrible car crash near my house. Is Louis there?” Should I tell her it was he? No no  I don’t need to do that. I get up on my feet finally and answered her.

“No, he isn’t but I have to go. I’ll talk to you later okay?” I tell her and hang up before I get outside as slow as I can. I knew better than to slip on ice. I wasn’t even feeling good. Why am I even in this cold? Oh wait, I’m going to see Louis. I really hope he is okay. I don’t want him to leave. Or be dead.. It’s a terrible thought. 

I get to the hospital very quickly. The lady at the front desk asked me if I was okay that I looked pretty sick and I said I was fine and asked her where Louis Tomlinson was and she said room 317. I walked through the hospital and reached room 317. I opened it and seen Louis. His eyes were open, he was awake. I needed to call Maggie and I did.

“What is it, Liam?” She says softly.

“Maggie, Louis is at the hospital. You know the car crash? He was in it. He is in room 317.” I heard her cry and hung up. I couldn’t deal with that at this moment I want to know if Louis is okay. I walked closer into the room and Louis seen me walk in.

“Hey lad.” I say simply 

“Man, the doctor told me I need a new kidney. This car crash was not ment to happen.” He said honestly in pain as he talked.  

“I know. I need to you give Maggie this.” I hand him an envelope. He gave me a puzzled look. 

“Give it to her. You will thank me later.” When I said that I felt myself fall and everything was black. I could still hear. Louis saying get up get up. Then a doctor grabbed me and put me somewhere else. This was not supposed to happen today. Not today. 

Guys this story has been great to write, but it's almost over with :( I hope you enjoued this book and do you guys want a sequel? There are going to be two chapters pr three after this one (:  

I dedicate this to my friend @Niall_addict, She helped me figure out how to go on with this story (: This was her idea (:

Love you guys 


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