Last Letter

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Here is the last letter. NOTE: I will be writing a sequl sometime. This story isn't completely over (: I note the excitment on everyone's face (: Haha, well here is Liam's letter. There will be some tears shed while reading this. Just a mear warning (: I hope you all enjoy. (:

Dear Maggie, 

         This letter, I write at this very moment, is to tell you and the band something. I thought it went away, but apparently it hasn't and I almost died from it today. I just don't know how to tell you all it because it was supposed to be a one time thing, like chicken pox, and no, that is not what is wrong with me. I have a serious problem. It happened the first time I came to the XFactor. I got really sick, no one knew what it was. I went to the doctor that day I had an episode, the worst kind you can have. I just started getting sluggish, but that wasn't the worse part. The doctor thought I was having a stroke. I just thought I was sick, but I had blood poisioning. The worst form of it. When I got sick this morning, it was the same. I didn't know what was going to happen, so I wrote this like a goodbye, thinking I'm dead. I just don't know how it is going to turn out, so I need to tell you something Maggie. Louis loves you I know this. I know you don't like him, actually you would never love him. I know this because that day he saved you, it wasn't his idea. It was mine. I heard Louis talking and I seen you with that girl. I pulled Louis to the side. The girl didn't notice me, neither did you. I told him to take you to your house. I'm surprised that you didn't see me. I am glad actually, but you still fell in love with me. I didn't want that to happen. The worst thing about it is I love you too. 

        Louis, this is for you. I have to say, I know you love Maggie, but please don't hurt her. Be here for her like I should have. I wanted you to have her because I knew one day, this stuff was going to flair up again. I'm scared man. I really am. You know I am. This stuff is ruinning my life. First, Niall pretends to be sick and now, this. I don't want this life, but I have you guys and I love you all. 

        The more I write the more I think of all I have and I am glad for that. Thank you for being there for me. I love you, Maggie. I really do. I hope you read this letter knowing this is for the best that you have Louis. Louis, this is for the best because I don't know if I will live much longer the rate I am going I hope this stuff clears up, so I can have a normal life. I'm only 16. Why is this all happening to me. 

        This letter is for everyone to see, so whoever gets this first show it to them.


                                Liam Payne (:

There you have it, the last letter. I know it sounds weird, but the sequel will make it make sense. Thank you for reading Letters to Liam Payne (: I love you guys (: The sequel is Our Last Letters. So please check it out (: 


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