Letter Five

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November 30th 2010

It's been another two days and I know I am starting to get really annoying. I shouldn't be reading these all the time to you. I can tell that it's probably annoying you. I get it. I understand. I can annoy my ownself sometimes with all of this mumbo-gumbo. I have to say, I'm getting really good at writing though, I mean for real. I'm amazed at myself now. I'm more grammer wise and stuff like that. I guess this is helping me become more of a writer then anything esle, but I do not know or do I care? Not really lol.

That was some good show you put on, on the x factor last night it was perfect. I loved every minute of it and Niall was pretty funny too as ever :)

You still have an amazing voice and everything. I will always love that about you and I hope you know that :)

I'm doing it again, I'm skipping lines. Ughhh I hate when I do this. It's not right.

It's actually early as I write this letter. It's 10 in the morning. We are on break for christmas. Yes, I know it's early, but our teacher lets us miss the whole month of Decemeber for the holidays. Our teacher is so weird, but I kind of like it :)

I have to go eat now Liam. I'll write you again soon :)

I love you

Maggie :) xx


Ohhhhhh, another letter :) I may stop and update some more tomorrow. I do not know yet maybe lol

I love you guys :)

~Maggie Rae Payne~

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