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Maggie Hasting POV

I didn't know what to do after I read that last text Louis sent me. How can he love me? I mean he only helped me when I was sick. He doesn't know me and if he did, he wouldn't even like me to be honest with you. Nobody ever seems to care that I am around. I am not the one to be popular. Why does he have to love me? I want Liam more then anything and I highly doubt that he may like me because he actually didn't seem too interested about it. Louis is pretty funny I'll give him that much, but I don't think I would date him for anything. I know that sounds rude, but it's true. I like being truthfully sometimes as you can tell. I do not see a reason not to be. I looked at my phone again and it was almost 9 pm. I needed something to eat really bad. 

"Hannah, want anything to eat? I'll get mum to get us something." I said knowing mum was still awake and was more then willing not to have to cook supper.

"Sure. Make sure she knows what to get." She said. Taco bell. Every time we want to eat something or somewhere we always pick taco bell because it's the best thing around.

"Taco bell. GOT IT!!" I yelled. She smacked me in the arm as I ran out the room to get mum. I saw her in her room looking at her laptop.

"What's the matter hon?" Mum asked looking over her laptop to me.

"Can you get us some taco bell? We are starving." She put her laptop down.

"Sure hon. I'll be back in a few with you two kids some taco bell." She said as she got her car keys and left out the door.

"Well, mission accomplished. She is going to get us some taco bell." I told Hannah. I was really hungry and bored. I needed someone to talk to or something to do. I had nothing.



My phone went off and Hannah about jumped off my bed and so did I. I wasn't expecting for someone to read my mind. I highly doubt they did. It was just so sudden. I couldn't stop laughing enough to see who texted me so Hannah stole my phone and her eyes went huge and she stopped laughing. She read the text out loud.

Maggie, This is Liam. Louis just told me to ask you this. Will you be his girlfriend?

I almost choked. Me be his girlfriend? What am I going to say? I don't know, but I'll have to think about this one. I dont want to date him, but again I do. This is soo confusing.

"I don't know what to say to that Hannah. Just don't answer the text." I said to her. I needed to get this off of my mind because if I don't I might go crazy.

"Maggie, I can't believe both of them like you. I hope my hazza is okay" She said in a sad voice. He was sick too with Louis, Zayn and Niall. Niall needs to learn when not to eat something. He could've killed his friends.

"I know. Can we talk about something esle?" I asked nicely.

"Ummm...Niall is stupid sometimes." I laughed so hard at that one. She was right on the dot with that one because he eats too much and when actually shares food he makes everyone sick.

"This is true very true." I said.

"Liam is soo adroable?" She was trying to change the subject to Liam. I guess I want to too.

"Yes he is. He looks so cute too!! I just want to kiss him all day. Little tiny kisses." I said almost in a trance. Hannah started laughing. 

"You are too funny." Hannah said between her laughs.

"I know I'm amazing!!!" I yelled on the top of my lungs. Hannahput her hands to her ears.

"OWWWWWW!!!" She screamed.

"I'm soo sorry....not!" I started laughing when my phone went off again, but this time it was Bai thank god.

From: Bailey Alice(I used your real name Bai lol)

How was the concert sis?! ~R

I quickly texted her back with:

Terrific!!! One Direction didn't get to play though because of Niall.

My phone buzzed again

Why my husband? What did he do?

I texted her again

He gave them spoiled food and he is sick too. I gotta go ok? Bye bye (hug)

My phone buzzed again dang this girl is fast!!!

SMART!!! LOL Bye sis (hug)

I turned my phone off. Hannah was now on my computer looking at my twitter. I noticed that Niall and the rest of the guys finally followed me. I wasn't really all that excited because hello I just met them today.

"You got a lot of followers now." She stated. I didn't care I just stared at the screen not even caring because I was thinking about what I should say to Liam. Should I say yes to Louis? Or wait for Liam? I have no idea what I should do. I'm still hungry, I needed food. That's what I need so I can think, but mum hasn't came home yet.

This is going to be harder then I thought.

How was this chapter? I know it has been a week since I updated. I'm sure you know why so I wont explain it again :)

I hope you all loved this chapter :) The answer will come next I promise :)

Ohhhh, xRileyLove is in this story :) I love her soooo much she is me watty sister :) 


~Athena Kiss~

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