
383 14 0

TW: Homophobia. Bullying. Slurs. Violence


"Not the face, David. Please," Kurt told David when he aimed a kick at him. "It's hard to cover it with makeup and if someone sees it, I'm really gonna tell them that it's you."

"When will you shut up, fag?" David spat before kicking Kurt on his side, making him fall, hissing in pain on the tiled floor of that abandoned room.

Hearing how he fell to the floor made me jolt in surprise. It never became familiar to me even after months.

"David, your best friend, Sissy, is here." Tony placed his arm on my shoulder, his hand dangling on my opposite shoulder, almost choking me.

With disgust, David turned to Tony, glaring at him. "Ulol ka ba?"

Tony laughed, raising his arms like a criminal. Moises, Brendan, and two new friends of theirs — Ace and Banjo — who were busy with their vapes joined his laughter.

"Joke lang! Ito naman."

David's sharp-knife gaze remained on him for a minute before it went on me. Tony left my side to join Moises and the group, taking this thing with water where they inhaled smoke after lighting it up. It doesn't look like vape to me though but the colorful pens with Brendan, I know those.

"Hold back, Tony. David is in a bad mood," Banjo told him.

David left Kurt, turning to me and closing the distance between us. When he got close, his knee met my stomach. Almost immediately, everything I ate that morning wanted to get out. So, when I fell to my knees, I vomited everything along with some blood. I haven't eaten a lot because I know this can happen. I only ate to calm my stomach and to last throughout the day. I know they won't let me eat lunch again and I was right.

"Ew... Gago, sino maglilinis n'yan," Ace asked, his American accent coming out with his Tagalog words.

"Siya din," David replied before putting his foot on my back. He pressed me down on the floor, making me land on my own vomit.

I closed my eyes, feeling awful wetness and smell. I fought David's force, turning to my side.

"Tatakas ka na, Kurt?" Moises asked.

I opened my eyes to see David staring down at me, a grin on his lips and pure bliss in his eyes. He really loves doing this.

I heard the door of that room open. "Bahala na kayo d'yan. Kadiri niyo," Kurt said in disgust before he left.

Again, he left me.

David gave me one last kick to my shoulder, stepping on my cheek before joining his friends with their smoking session.

who am i to you?Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon