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~The Power I Hold Over You~

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~The Power I Hold Over You~

The two cousins stared at each other from across Edward's study, one holding the Queen, the other willing her to speak to him. All Constance did was cry.

The fire was not lit in the hearth but a chair was by it all the same and it was there Warwick placed the Queen, settling her limp body against the wood; pushing his handkerchief into her hand. Not once did she look at her husband and when Edward tried to go to her, his cousin blocked the way.

"Have you gone mad?" Richard demanded, not yet raising his voice but Edward knew from childhood experience, that only meant his rage was all the greater.

"Mad acknowledging my son?" He still retorted sharply.

"In front of the entire court and Queen who is with child!" Richard added, pointing to the woman behind him "It is common knowledge how much Constance and Elizabeth are at odds with one another yet now you have stood for your whore against your Queen!"
"I have not!"

"You have!" He cried, now raising his voice to a yell in the hope that the stupid boy in front of him might for once pay attention to words and not his cock "You dishonour your Queen and you dishonour France in return!"

God he was sure he'd never spoken as truthfully as he did then and yet Edward only stared, his expression incredulous. He looked like he was about to remind his cousin he was addressing his King but if he did that, Warwick swore those would be the last words Edward ever spoke.

"You are being ridiculous, cousin" Edward accused pointedly " I have not dishonoured her country!" Now it was Warwick's turn to look incredulous and he laughed, tossing back his head like he would when he was truly amused but his voice was thick with mockery, denouncing Edward as a silly little boy merely through his laugh.

The King shuffled from foot to foot, gaze unwavering yet pride stung. He knew what his cousin's mockery could do all too well and he hated it.

"You have acknowledged a bastard in public, in front of your entire court after your whore and her clan storm your petition session in front of your pregnant Queen and yet I am the one being ridiculous Edward?"

Richard shook his head, scoffing like he used to when one of his wards made a mistake in training "And don't you dare tell me not to call her your whore in doing so you will name yourself blind as well as dim"

Edward's jaw clenched and he advanced a step, teeth grinding together with anger and embarrassment.
"I am not a child, cousin, do not speak to me as if I were one" His old mentor merely sneered, looking down on him although Edward was the taller of the two.

"Then do not act like one" He hissed "Then I may consider treating you as the King you are meat to be instead of the petulant boy you seem! Really if your Father were here..." Those few words made Edward's head snap up like a taught bowstring, sending a shoot of pain down his spine that thrummed through his heart. He shook his head.

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