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~The Clockwork Princess~

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~The Clockwork Princess~

27th of March, 1482, Burgundy....

Candles flickered all around the chamber but it was still dark, made almost pitch black by the stench of hopelessness that hung like a noose in the air, waiting to ensnare any who wandered into it's deathly embrace.

But there was only one soul that would ascend to heaven that night and it would be the soul of the Duchess of Burgundy, sweet Mary, at just twenty five. She would leave two young children, heartbroken, and her husband crushed beneath his grief. He was knelt at her side at that very moment, tying the knots of the noose of despair himself with his tears and pleas for her not to desert him, not now, not yet, not ever.

Riding had always been one of her favourite pastimes, holding an adoration for the thrill it sent though her veins but it had proved to be her downfall, her death. It had killed her - would kill her - one simple fall, one awkward land, one snap in her slender neck.....

And it was all over.

"What will I do without you?" He asked, voice hoarse from yelling at physicians and weeping by her side.

Mary simply smiled her knowing smile, one of the few things she was still able to do - not being able to move below her shoulders - and blinked.
"Live a little longer....many a year longer I hope" Maximilian shook his head fervently as if if he did it enough, all would be well again.

"I do not want to" He gasped through his tears "Not without you, I can't...."
"You must...." She blinked again, eyes flicking back and forth across his face "And you must....remarry" He shook his head even harder, about to spout a string of protests when she continued "and you will do it" She insisted "and I know who you should choose"
"No....no I can't, I won't...."

"You have to!" She rasped and he knew if she could squeeze his hand, she would be doing so "And I know who, my dearest love, my sweet sweet husband, the Father of my children...." He only kept on shaking his head, no one could replace his Mary, no one "You should marry my cousin, my cousin in England, Marie, see? She has the same name as me!" He sobbed.

"That does not make her you"
"And she is not me! She is strong, I have seen it! One day you shall be a King, an Emperor and you will need an Empress, a strong woman by your side to bear your heirs and give you council....a Mother for our children! She is of the greatest beauty, grace, intelligence and illustrious blood of any woman of my acquaintance, much like her mother, my beloved Aunt, Queen Constance. My Mother loved her well and so do I as I do my cousin of York! She is a grand match for you, she will bring you wealth and power, she will bring you greatness"

Maximilian sobbed harder.

"I do not want greatness....not anymore....all I want is you, Mary"
She smiled again, corners slipping from the tears of her eyes.

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐃𝐎𝐕𝐄 𝐀𝐍𝐃 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐑𝐎𝐒𝐄 || 𝑻𝑯𝑬 𝑾𝑯𝑰𝑻𝑬 𝑸𝑼𝑬𝑬𝑵Where stories live. Discover now