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~The Return of a Son~

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~The Return of a Son~

The next morning....

A lazy smile painted Constance's face as Edward placed kisses across her stomach, one hand gently stroking her right breast. They'd stayed in bed all day and all night, not just making love (though for hours they'd been claimed with a desperation only sex satisfied) but talking too, limbs entangled, words gentle.

Only once had Edward slipped downstairs to retrieve some wine and then he'd returned, eager as ever! They'd slept little but when she had, Constance woke again to Edward kissing up and down her body and revelled in its pleasure.

"You are most attentive, my King" She purred and he raised his head for a moment, smirking. How she loved that little smirk, she thought, taking to playing with his hair.

"You are my Queen" He murmured, placing another kiss to her stomach before he pushed himself up her body "Tis my duty to tend to you"
"By giving me more sons?"
Edward hummed appreciatively, dipping his head.

"Many, many sons" He murmured against her lips "and daughters too, just like our Marie"

A firm knock came at the door and Edward groaned, rolling to the side. He called for entry, carelessly throwing a sheet over her while doing nothing to hide his own nakedness. He never had, he never would and it only made her love him more! Hastings was the one that appeared and a smile tickled his lips as he leant against the doorframe, taking in the untidy scene in his usual teasing manner.

"Well" The greeting rolled off his tongue like melted butter: smug "I thought you may need this after your little" Greying ginger eyebrows twitched with amusement "reunion" He held up a plate full of meat, bread and cheese which looked so delicious Constance almost forgot to keep the bedclothes tight to her chest "although from the sound of it, I really couldn't tell weather you were happy or disembowelling one another"

"Oh fuck off Will" Edward groaned, swinging his legs over the edge of the bed and sauntering towards his friend without a care in the world. Hastings only grinned. After bedding women in brothels for years next to Edward, he'd be the last person to be embarrassed by his state of undress and shoved the filled plate at his chest.

"Eat. And make sure you give some to Constance" Glancing over his shoulder, he grinned at the blushing Queen, daring a wink "it's a wonder she hasn't collapsed from exhaustion!"

"She can't collapse if she's lying down you cocky bastard" Edward retorted and slammed the door summarily in his friend's face, leaving only the echo of Hasting's roaring laughter on the other side.

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