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~The Traitor's Daughter~

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~The Traitor's Daughter~

Late June 1471, Westminster Palace....

It had been over a year since Constance had laid eyes on her little protégé, since she'd had thirteen year old Anne Neville trotting at her heels like a loyal puppy.

She was no longer thirteen, Constance reminded herself as she smoothed out her cloth of silver skirts, sitting on her throne in the great hall of Westminster Palace beside her husband. Anne was now fifteen, a woman grown in the eyes of the world and she was sure that when she appeared before the court that day, she would prove not to be the little, innocent girl she'd known.

That innocence had been cruelly stripped away, yet another thing that fuelled her hatred of Warwick.

Ever since Anne had been brought back to London, Constance had not laid eyes on her nor spoken to her. She'd been placed in the household of her sister under a form of house arrest until the crown saw fit to forgive her "crimes" and the only ounce of contact she'd had with the girl was when she sent her a dress at the dawn of the month, thinking it would do well to show her a kindness, and a small, formal note of thanks had been sent in return.

It hadn't read like Anne, in fact Constance doubted it was her for she didn't know her hand well enough to tell but as she waited for the great hall doors to open, she disregarded that, knowing she was to see the girl for herself.

That day she was to come before the court, the royal family and her monarchs to beg forgiveness from the King. Constance had tried to persuade her husband from such a public act but he'd said a public act of reconciliation was the only way for Anne to be accepted amongst the nobility once more and perhaps he was right.

While she was guiltless herself, she was still known to all as 'the traitor's daughter' as the widow of Edward of Lancaster. Perhaps it was best for her to show she was not complicit? That she only followed her Father out of the duty to obey him as her Lord she'd been taught?

As soon as it was done, Constance was determined to protect her, after all, apart from her sister, she was all alone at court. Her Father was dead, her Mother had fled into sanctuary, she needed a protector and what better one than the Queen....

"Est-ce que tu vas bien, ma chérie?" 'Are you well, sweetheart?'

The sound of her husband's gentle voice brought her forth from her thoughts and she looked at him to see her watching her with tender concern. He took her hand, lovingly smoothing his thumb over her knuckles.

"Bien sûr" Of course' She replied, forcing a small smile "Je me demandais simplement si Marie s'occupait assidûment de ses leçons" 'I was simply wondering if Marie was diligently tending to her lessons' Edward grinned at that, arching an eyebrow which made her smile to to a genuine one.

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