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~Sweet Children of Mine~

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~Sweet Children of Mine~

February 1474, Berkeley Castle, two years later....

"There, my love" Constance murmured, smoothing her hands over the growing swell of her belly where her tenth child grew. This one was a kicker, as lively as they came and, while it made her laugh, sometimes the little kicks were painful and she sought to soothe them.

Softly stroking over her belly usually helped, she thought as she looked down into the gardens below where she could see her ladies walking.

"Are you well, your grace?" Margaret Stanley (or Beaufort as Constance had learned was her maiden name) asked and she, smiled up at her from her seat in her bedchamber window, shaking her head.

Just a few weeks after their first meeting, Constance had made her her Lady in waiting (pleasing Stanley immensely) and their friendship had strengthened ever since. They shared the same sense of piety - often praying together - and Constance found she loved the quiet nature Margaret possessed. It calmed her when she needed it and her words could craft the most beautiful of prayers.

"You must tell me if there is anything you need" Margaret continued, bending down to tuck the blanket she'd draped over the Queen's lap earlier, around her a little tighter. Constance smile widened.
"On second thoughts" She replied "I would have you bring my daughter to me, the Princess Cecily"

Sweeping a deep curtsy, Margaret moved away to fetch the required babe from the castle's nursery and Constance sighed thinking of her beautiful eight month old daughter.

Princess Cecily had been born at the beginning of the prior summer - the King and Queen's third living daughter they treasured. She was named for her delighted Grandmother (who doted on her namesake more than she had her own children) and christened at Westminster Abbey with the Duchess and Will Hastings standing as her God parents.

She was a merry babe, just like her siblings and Marie, now nine, loved adding her to her list of little ones to care for. Little Cecily was robust and not once through her whole first winter had caught a cold!

"Here, your grace" Margaret said when she returned, a small smile on her thin face as she gentled the baby into her Mother's waiting arms.

"Ah, hello my precious angel" Constance cooed, stroking Cecily's cheek to make her giggle. The baby reached up, grasping the golden crucifix around her Mother's neck and babbling to herself "Yes, my love!" She laughed "but you cant have that now, you must wait until you're older" Kissing her forehead, she gentled the cross away from Cecily's determined fingers, tucking it into the front of her gown.

Sitting up a little straighter, she manoeuvred the little girl so she didn't press on her belly and kissed her again "There!" She said, content "Did you know you shall see your brother today? Yes, my little one! You will finally meet your brother, Edward, again and he will love you, I am sure of it!" Cecily peered up at her, a little smile on her face and Constance returned it, her heart beating in anticipation of the happiness that day would bring.

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