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~Bound by Blood~

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~Bound by Blood~

Laarne Castle Burgundy....

"Look at them" Marie breathed with pride, watching from her chamber balcony at the approaching forces, the Bourbon banners fluttering in the wind, two men leading them, one in a deep blue cloak trimmed with white fur, the other garbed in the crimson robes of Cardinals.

Behind them - five hundred men (three hundred of their own, the remaining two mustered by Queen Charlotte) their boots pounding against the earth as they marched forward, carrying pikes, swords - heavy cannons drawn behind horses. They would camp outside the walls, their Lords would stay in the castle.

That day was the beginning of all, not only were the Bourbon brothers arriving but the next morning the Duke of Brittany and his men were due, along with his seven year old daughter, the Lady Anne. Reports said she was beauteous and, despite her youth, possessed a keen, intelligent mind. If proved to be true, those assets would make good foundations for a Queen.

Soon, two thousand men from the Holy Roman Empire would also arrive!!

"You make our house proud" Margaret said from beside her, one hand on the balcony ledge as she watched the approaching force with her niece "Commanding men at eighteen! The same age your Father was when he took the throne. By God, you truly are his daughter"

"We should make ready to greet them" Marie replied, eyes still trained on the leaders "I am rather excited too! I've never met any of my Mother's kin apart from her own Lady Mother and Uncle Jamie. I am glad they are come to avenge him and the injustices against her, it shows them to be of honourable character"

"Particularly when they are French and we are about to ally with Brittany"
"Precisely. Now, let us go or I may leap from this ledge and out of the gates to take my first look at them!"

"Damen?" 'Ladies?' A deep voice called as they turned and Marie smiled at the sight of her husband in the doorway of her bedchamber, dressed in deep burgundy with slashes in his sleeves which revealed cloth of gold - the same material as her gown.

"Max!" She greeted brightly, curtsying "Ich freue mich, dass Sie hier sind" 'I am glad you are here'

"Ich muß meiner gnädigen Frau und den Herren von Bourbon meine Unterstützung erweisen, nicht wahr?" 'I must show my good Lady wife and the Lords of Bourbon my support, must I not?' He stepped forth into the room and offered her his arm which she took with a smile, walking into the corridor with him. Margaret followed "Hat euch mein Geschenk gefallen?" 'Did you like my gift?' He asked and Marie nodded, smiling wide as she pushed back the white veil of her hennin to reveal the pair of beautiful ruby earrings one of his manservants had brought her that morning.

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐃𝐎𝐕𝐄 𝐀𝐍𝐃 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐑𝐎𝐒𝐄 || 𝑻𝑯𝑬 𝑾𝑯𝑰𝑻𝑬 𝑸𝑼𝑬𝑬𝑵Where stories live. Discover now