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~The Fate of Kings and Queens~

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~The Fate of Kings and Queens~

19th of June, 1484, Burgundy....

"How long shall it be until you send for me, my Lord?" Anne's blue eyes gazed up at him like two blue stars, glimmering with bashfulness and awe. Much to his chagrin, Edward had found it hard not to warm to his little wife.

Her joy was infectious, the sweetness of her smile even more so, her eagerness to listen to him and to be in his presence served to endeared her to him rather than irritate but it was her utter devotion to him, her true belief in his cause and worth that made it impossible not to take her into his heart.

He stood in the golden armour Maximilian had bestowed upon him only days before decorated with holy symbols and the sigils of his house alongside his own - a falcon argent in a golden fetterlock (opened as his Grandfather had styled it), a crown atop its head; white rose in its claw. It would be a symbol emblazoned on every banner and livery, every cap across the army set to depart on the morrow. His army.

Four thousand one hundred men and their commanders sworn to his service, to fight to the death to secure his throne. Men he would lead. Men he would inspire for battle, lead into the fray; fight alongside.

Once he reached his kingdom, even more would answer the call to his banner, for love of him and for his Father - his Mother too.

His sword was at his hip, one hand rested on the bejewelled hilt, as he sat by Anne at the end of his bed.

His feet were planted firmly on the floor.
Hers were only just halfway to it, gently swinging back and forth beneath her gown.
"As soon as my victory is secure" He told her gently with a small smile that made her blush - much to his amusement "Then you shall be crowned the Queen of England"

"And you it's mighty King!" She enthused.
"Indeed, Anna" That summoned a smile of her own. Whenever they were alone, he called her by her Breton name, it made her happy although she declared she liked Anne very much! She sought to please him in everything, demonstrate her devotion, determined to be as English as he!

He'd never met another soul so eager to learn his native language and Lord was she a fast learner! Her mind was like a sponge, soaking up every drop of knowledge that surrounded her, always seeking more even when it seemed she'd drained a topic dry!

"You shall rest in the Tower of London the night before, as shall I" He continued "and we shall gift robes to one another to wear to the Abbey! A road of velvet shall be laid out for us and the people shall be so very pleased! It is likely we shall go deaf!"
"They shall shout for love of you, my Lord"

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐃𝐎𝐕𝐄 𝐀𝐍𝐃 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐑𝐎𝐒𝐄 || 𝑻𝑯𝑬 𝑾𝑯𝑰𝑻𝑬 𝑸𝑼𝑬𝑬𝑵Where stories live. Discover now