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~To Love~

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~To Love~

November 1475, Windsor Castle....

"Look at my boy's handwriting!" Constance exclaimed as she showed Anne young Edward's letter, his very first to her that was all his own.
"It is very fine!" Anne praised, smoothing a hand over her swelled belly "It is a shame I shall not see him at Christmas, I love him well"

"You will mayhap see him after your confinement is over? He would love to see the babe"
"My little girl!" Anne enthused "You and Edward shall stand as her Godparents of course"
"We would be honoured. She will be a very fine York girl"

Placing down her sweet boy's letter, she rose from her seat by the hearth and wandered over to her bed where Beth and Katherine stood, pouring over rich fabrics that would make the Queen's Christmas gowns "Ah" Constance sighed happily, running a hand over a length of crimson velvet "I think I should like to pair this with the cloth of gold damask and trim the sleeves and hem with ermine"

"A fine choice!" Katherine agreed "I think the green velvet would be a beautiful choice, paired with the white silk" Constance hummed happily, taking up a length of purple damask velvet and holding it to the light "This would suit Marie. Send it to my seamstresses and have it made as a gift for her" Handing it over to Beth, her sister nodded, folding the material over her arm and bobbing a curtsey before leaving.

"Ah!" She chuckled, glancing over at the silver caskets placed on her pillows "The jewels I sent for?" Katherine nodded and she drew the first towards her, opening the lid and exclaiming with glee as the jewels glittered towards her eyes.

On a velvet cushion lay a golden collar set with sapphires and diamonds, a diamond York rose pendant hanging from the centre. The same pendant hung on the matching pair of earrings, each bearing a sapphire in the shape of a raindrop hanging from it. Nestled around the set was a beautiful crown with the same stones, similar to the one worn by the Queen's of England.

"Perfect" Constance breathed, glancing at the other caskets which contained exactly the same jewels, the same earrings, the same collar, the same crown. Five caskets. One for her and one each for her four daughters "I will give them to my darlings on Christmas Eve" She decided "then we may all wear them on Christmas Day!"

"A fine idea" Katherine said "They shall love them dearly! The dolls you sent for for Isabella and Cecily have a arrived too! Each in their favourite gowns!"
"I'm glad! I'm sure they shall love them! I must think of a gift for my son, perhaps a carved bow and quiver of arrows? Or a new bejewelled book of hours?" She hummed to herself "Perhaps not the latter, I believe Richard mentioned he would give him a gift of that sort"

"Your grace?"
Constance turned as Lizzy walked in and swept a curtsy.
"Yes, Lizzy?"
"The King requests you for supper in his private chambers this evening"

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐃𝐎𝐕𝐄 𝐀𝐍𝐃 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐑𝐎𝐒𝐄 || 𝑻𝑯𝑬 𝑾𝑯𝑰𝑻𝑬 𝑸𝑼𝑬𝑬𝑵Where stories live. Discover now