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~Smoke and Mirrors~

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~Smoke and Mirrors~

February 1478, Westminster Palace....

With a contented sigh, Constance brushed her hands over the gentle swell beneath her nightgown gown, looking out over the palace gardens from her bedchamber; the bushes bathing in the golden rays of morning. She was four months along and glowed with the health of pregnancy, her cheeks rosy; hair shining.

"Perhaps you will make me the proud Mother of three Princes?" She murmured, cradling the small bump as she sat by the hearth, basking in the warmth of the fire battling against the winter chill "You will be called Charles if you are, my own little Charlie, for my Father"

Glancing over to the little table beside her, she took up the letter from its polished surface, snapping the wax seal that bore a York rose with a crown. In keeping with her vow, she'd written to Marie every day and her daughter had written back dutifully, every piece of parchment infused with love.

Unfolding the paper, she sighed, smiling at the sight of Marie's familiar handwriting.

My Dearest Lady Mother and beloved Queen,

Edward, Uncle Dickon and I fast approach London and both my brother and I cannot wait to be admitted to your presence once more. I have missed you as I would miss my own heart if I lost it and long for the days where we may sit and talk as we once did. I've missed my Lord Father most dearly (as has Edward who is eager to show him his skills with the sword) and hope he shall indulge me in a dance one night, perhaps at the masque you have planned?

I still adore my Ladies and am most grateful you chose them to serve me! We are firm friends and I am particularly attached to Joan who possesses the greatest talent for humour I have ever known! Lady Alice is a good and kind friend to me, helping me navigate my household so I may attend each task to perfection as you do and, once more, am grateful you selected her as my governess.

Since I saw you this Christmas past, I have grown at least an inch so that I soon may be as tall as you, although Neddy is definitely building the stature of a King! While six years my junior he is superior in height and towers over most boys his age, making him look older in years!

I know he and Uncle Dickon were not able to travel to see you at Christmas due to the snow they suffered at Ludlow but he had told me each day of our travel (and will have told you in his own letters) he misses you and Father dearly and was most sorry he could not be in attendance at court.

Uncle Dickon says we must depart now so I shall end here, Mother, wishing you, and the baby, all the health our Lord above can bestow.

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐃𝐎𝐕𝐄 𝐀𝐍𝐃 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐑𝐎𝐒𝐄 || 𝑻𝑯𝑬 𝑾𝑯𝑰𝑻𝑬 𝑸𝑼𝑬𝑬𝑵Where stories live. Discover now