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"Ma Mère! Ma Mère! Come quickly!"

Constance all but threw down her embroidery at the sound of her little girl's voice, jumping to her feet as Marie rushed into the solar, yelling at the top of her lungs.

"What is it?" She asked hurriedly, ready to run to the nursery "Are you hurt? Is Edward hurt?"
"No! No!" Marie giggled, taking her hand and beginning to drag her from the chamber "Uncle Jamie is back!"

Constance's eyes went wide at the news and then she was rushing through the Tower with her daughter close behind, skirts flying. James had been under house arrest at their childhood home for many months and she'd had no word he'd been set free by their brother but Marie was hardly ever wrong, particularly when it came to identifying her beloved kin.

Rushing out onto the Tower steps, Constance let out a heavy sigh of relief, halting at the top as a laugh bubbled in her throat; spilled past her lips which curved into a bright smile. Standing at the bottom, clad in clothes dusty from travel, his golden hair ruffled but blue eyes bright, was indeed her beloved little brother!

"Good Morrow, your grace!"
"James!" She cried and rushed down the steps, giggling like a little girl, into his waiting arms. He smelt of leather and the earth when it was freshly watered with rain in spring "God's bones, Jamie!" She clung to him tightly, trying to suppress the hot tears that flooded her eyes "I did not know when I would see you again!"

"I came as soon as I could" He replied and she didn't doubt him as he pulled away, gently cupping her face, turning it from side to side "Did they hurt you? I was worried out of my wits when I had word the Lancastrians took London" Constance took his hands, gently drawing them from her cheeks.

"The scars I bear are not on my face, dear brother" She confessed "They are on my heart....and my back"
"Your back?"

"Yes" She sighed with a wry smile "The Duke of Somerset had his man beat me when Ned had the children rescued, he thought I knew where they would be which I didn't!" In an instant Jame's handsome face had contorted with rage and he squeezed her hands, the promise of revenge burning in his eyes.

"I will...."
"Kill him?" She finished "Ned has promised as much and I hope I shall be there to see it"

"James!" They turned at the sound of the King and his heavy footsteps thumping merrily down the Tower steps "Lord, it is good to see you returned to us!"

"Your grace" James greeted, about to sweep a bow but Edward reached him first and placed his hands on his shoulders to keep him from it.
"Edward" He insisted, all smiles "We are brothers after all, are we not? And I owe my life to you, as do Dickon and Will, not one of us will forget how you gave us time at Doncaster"

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐃𝐎𝐕𝐄 𝐀𝐍𝐃 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐑𝐎𝐒𝐄 || 𝑻𝑯𝑬 𝑾𝑯𝑰𝑻𝑬 𝑸𝑼𝑬𝑬𝑵Where stories live. Discover now