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17th of June 1484, Middleham Castle....

Constance hummed as she slid the last pin into the top of Isabella's hennin to secure the new veil she'd made - sheer white silk with flowers embroidered on it.

"There" She said, placing her hands on her daughter's shoulders "How do you like it, my love?"
"I like it very well, Mother" Isabella's fingers brushed against the silk, a small smile on her lips as she gazed at herself in the mirror before them "Thank you"
"I am glad! Now, go and join your sisters! I believe they are still outside!"
"Yes, Mama"

Rising from the stool she sat on, she slipped from the room, head high, shoulders back. Once all was well, it would soon be time for her to marry, Constance thought, just as her brother had been. She'd received a letter from Marie detailing Edward's marriage and, while she knew it was needed and was glad to hear of the arrival of their allies, it had saddened her greatly.

It was a reminder of the duty of her royal children that, even when victory was achieved, she may not have her children safely in her arms for much long after. Aliénor was already betrothed to France and, at nine, she was mere years away from being a ripe age for her betrothal to be fulfilled!

Where would Isabella go? Or Cecily? Which far corner of Europe would they rule over and how soon would they occupy their own thrones?

She had no doubt the Woodvilles knew of Edward's marriage, it had been no secret affair, quite the opposite, but Grey had made no mention of it to her, likely on the orders of Arthur and Elizabeth. Without the knowledge of her son's marriage (which they clearly did not think she had) her rebellious spirit who be stirred.

Only they did not know it had never slept.

How she wished she could've been there to see her sweet son wed to his Queen, to reassure him as he truly stepped into his days of Kingship and manhood. She was sure Marie had done a fine job of that.


Spinning around, she saw Martha walking into the chamber, a secretive smile on her face as she approached and swept a hurried curtsy before rising "Your grace, I being word from the Duke" She whispered, and Constance couldn't help but chuckle as she took her hands in her own, squeezing them with excitement.

"What is it, dear Martha?"
"They are going to take back Middleham. Lord Scrope's son is to bring his men in the dead of night and together with the Duke's here, they are to take it in the name of your son! Word has already been sent to Burgundy and soon our King's army shall land upon these shores!"

Her breath shuddered, eyes blowing wide as her mind processed the words spoken to her.

"Tonight?" She breathed and Martha nodded.
"Tonight!" She confirmed eagerly "The Duke has just received the message! You and the Princesses are to be taken to one of the servants chambers, when the time comes, at the top of the castle so you may be kept safe"

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐃𝐎𝐕𝐄 𝐀𝐍𝐃 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐑𝐎𝐒𝐄 || 𝑻𝑯𝑬 𝑾𝑯𝑰𝑻𝑬 𝑸𝑼𝑬𝑬𝑵Where stories live. Discover now