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March 1484, Burgundy....

"Thank you Aunt" Marie said as Margaret passed her a fresh goblet of wine before sitting opposite - they had dismissed the pageboys.

A great feast was laid for them in the Dowager Duchess' dining chamber (the very one Marie and her kin had dined in, thirteen years ago)but neither ate very much, they were too distracted, consumed by their plans for waging war, so much so that Marie had subconsciously carved a line at the edge of the table with her knife!

Between silver plates cleared to the side, were rolls and rolls of parchment; blotches of ink on the tablecloth.

It had proven a productive night thus far and neither were near ready to cease.

"We must land upon the Northern coast, that is a given" Marie said, grasping one of the golden chess pieces they'd rolled out and placing it upon the map of England between them "We could land in the South but it would be all too easy for the bastard to send a message to Middleham ordering my Mother and Uncle's deaths and I will not have that happen. I believe we should land the army on Silverdale beach in Lancashire. We could sail further inland up the River Kent and land there but I fear that places us in a perfect place of ambush should the enemy receive word of our movements. If anything of the sort should happen, we can seek refuge in Ireland. The land has always been a staunch supporter of my house, my Father always spoke highly of it" She looked up at her Aunt "What is your opinion?"

"You are the one that shall be leading" Margaret replied "It is your decision to make with Max's generals but they are not English as we are and I do believe you are beginning to form a rather brilliant plan, my dear" Marie felt a pleased flush colour her cheeks and she smiled her thanks before returning her gaze to the map.

"We shall then march across Lancashire and into the Yorkshire Dales, hopefully mustering men along the way to add to our army. We have the support of the House of Bourbon, well a few of its members" She murmured, looking over the small coats of arms that were scattered over the table surface.

"My Uncles, Cardinal Charles and Lord Peter have sworn revenge for my Mother and the slaying of dear Uncle Jamie - the Duke has steered clear as we suspected he would - and we have our Burgundian Force as well as Max and the Holy Roman Empire! The Prince of Orange, the husband of my Aunt, Joanna, has also declared for us but the more the merrier, Aunt, and my brother must have security as soon as he has the crown, he must have allies outside of England. We have you and if my little sister's marriage goes ahead, we shall have France, at least for a time, but he can be stronger still" She sighed, chewing her lower lip "I think Edward should be married"

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