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~The Angel and the Boar~

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~The Angel and the Boar~

25th of July 1484, two weeks later, Middleham....

"All is well, I shall prepare myself tonight" Constance said as she unpinned her hair from where it had been secured in braids looped around her head beneath her hennin "The hour is late and the air hot, it shall do you both well to retire early and grant yourself a cold mug of ale" The heavy, curled locks fell in a river down her back, rustling past her ears.

"Your grace is very kind" Martha said, laying her nightgown out upon the bed.
"Indeed" Alice agreed "but are you certain, Madame?" Constance smiled, looking at them in the vanity mirror before her. She placed her hairpins on the polished surface beneath her hands.

"Unlace my gown and then you may retire, thank you" She said, standing and Alice was quick to attend her, unlacing her silk gown with skill before she and her companion curtsied.
"We bid you a goodnight, your grace"
"Goodnight!" Constance called as they left.

Almost as soon as they were gone, she heard a click behind her and a grin pulled at her lips at the sight of Richard emerging from behind the tapestry that covered the servants door.

"Dickon!" She whispered, heart quickening "You know you cannot afford to be seen here at this hour! Especially when I am alone! What if you were caught? It is not simply us and the girls anymore, my brothers are here, Edward and Marie are here, countless others accompany them and swarm the castle and the surrounding lands day and night! Another Lord may arrive any moment now as they have been doing!"

They had been arriving all hours of the day, common born and high, all rallying for their one true King and she gave thanks for them every moment! They'd created quite the war camp outside the castle walls, upon the fields behind and her son spent much time there. Soon, John would return with Neville forces and John Howard had sent word he was mustering men!

"I brought something for you" He replied, moving toward her with a smile, hands clasped behind his back "A gift!"
"A gift?" She repeated "Whatever for?"
"I do not need a reason to bestow gifts upon the woman I love"

Tilting her head, her cheeks burned and a happy warmth blossomed in her chest.

He came to stand before her. She ought to chastise him, to send him away, she thought, as she'd told him it was folly to risk being seen together at that hour but she had suffered more than two weeks deprived of his company alone. Perhaps it would not be a bad thing to allow him to stay for just a moment? There were multiple ways to exit her chambers if needed, multiple places to hide.

"You are too sweet" She told him but he only quirked an eyebrow at her.
"Turn around"

Shaking her head with a warm smile, she did as he bade, returning to her mirror, watching him in the reflection "Close your eyes" Again, she obeyed, hearing the click of metal a few moments later. Her heart fluttered at the feel of Richard's calloused fingers slipping around her neck, goosebumps erupting across her skin at the cool touch of metal that followed.

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