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~White Rose Pure~

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~White Rose Pure~

August 1474, the Palace of Placentia....

The three sons of York and the Queen basked in the privacy of the King's chambers, able to relax without the prying eyes of nobles around. Even George was being amicable!

"Some more wine, Connie?" He offered with a smile as he sauntered over to the chaise lounge where Connie lay with Edward, her head resting on the cushions.
"Thank you, George!" She replied, holding out her goblet and watching as George poured the ruby red liquid into it.

Taking a sip, she offered the goblet to Edward who took a gulp before kissing her sweetly on the lips. It had been idea to move to the Palace of Placentia for the summer (instead of their progress which had been cancelled on account of Edmund's death) as they had done in 1471 to try and stoke some of the joy they'd felt then instead of the sorrow that had consumed her after Edmund's death.

To his delight, it had worked and little by little with walks in the gardens and picnics in the hunting grounds, she emerged out of the darkness. Her heart still grieved, as it did every day for all of her lost children, but she had started to make peace with it and could smile and laugh once again.

Edmund and James were playing in heaven, she liked to think, building towers and knocking them over with their other lost brothers and sister - just like little Edward did as a babe. They were happy, she thought whenever she felt sad, she may not be able to take care of her babes but God did and they would be happy in heaven.

"I expect the tourney will be a great event!" Richard remarked, making reference to the tournament Edward had arranged for the next week in honour of Marie's tenth birthday. Each day there would be jousts, melees, wrestling, archery, nobles flooding the grounds and castle and Constance looked forward to it immensely! She loved to watch tournaments (despite the violence) and looked forward to greeting the honoured guests that had arrived a mere hour ago.

Margaret of York and her stepdaughter Mary of Burgundy.

Richard had travelled to London to attend, leaving Anne at Middleham to care for the babe in her belly, wanting their child to be born at their childhood home, and he would be participating alongside the King! He would have Marie's favour while Edward claimed the Queen's!

"It shall!" Constance replied "Isabella is certainly excited, we haven't held a tourney since Cecily's birth but she is too young to watch!"
"She might not be!" Edward laughed, taking the goblet for another sip of wine "although she's only two she's an adventurous young thing, determined, she likes watching me train, I've promised to gift her a dagger one day!"

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐃𝐎𝐕𝐄 𝐀𝐍𝐃 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐑𝐎𝐒𝐄 || 𝑻𝑯𝑬 𝑾𝑯𝑰𝑻𝑬 𝑸𝑼𝑬𝑬𝑵Where stories live. Discover now