We Love Fashion

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Till noon, I've been reading. Hunger washed over me only when I'd gotten a text from my old friend Kate. She was a model, staying in London only for the fashion week. After three days, I'd have to function by myself again.

Immediately, I rushed over to my small but, at the same time, spacious wardrobe. I'd chosen a simple gray skirt with a green tank for a top. I quickly grabbed the house keys, credit card and sunglasses while leaving the apartment.

"I have thought about going to the thrift shop, then to get bagels and..." Kate paused, trying to think of ideas.

"Sounds cool. I really need to find a pair of good jeans," I replied.

"Don't you have like ten pairs?" She looked at her phone, trying to find the nearest thrift store on the map.

I sighed. "My favorite ones ripped!"

"Oh no...Good thing we are going thrifting!" She sang.

I laughed while putting on my sunglasses. Kate was still the same old soul I'd met at the beginning of my acting career. As they say, in your 20's, you have to get as many contacts as possible.

Kate had ginger hair and gorgeous hazel eyes. She was slightly taller than me and thinner in her legs. If I had to describe her with one word, I'd say cool.

Luckily, the store we aimed for wasn't far from my apartment.

The place smelled fresh. It was expansive and had many options of clothes to choose from. Kate and I looked at each other and smiled, then back at the store. We were going on a massive thrift hunt.

Blue walls in retro style enveloped the entire room, and a sign of 'We Love Fashion' beamed above the tank top area. A large mirror stood in the middle of the spot. Kate and I tried on funky sunglasses while doing various poses in front of the same mirror.

"Any news from yesterday? Did you like any paintings?" Kate broke the silence. We changed the section by then, looking through various jackets.

"Yes!" I smiled. "There were two I really liked. One seemed like me, totally! There was this gaze in her eyes, trying to fight the urge to fall into an endless sleep. Another one, " I paused, "the golden one. It was so mesmerising. I wish you were there to see how that woman danced on the canvas." I finally breathed out.

Kate laughed while I continued. "But there was this weird man who bumped into me and I accidentally spilt my drink on him. He was so annoying too. Oh, My god. How I wanted to curse him out, Kate!"

"Chelle, you know it's really entertaining to listen to you. That man does seem annoying. How did he look like though?" She paused. "Tell me everything!" Kate requested enthusiastically.

I thought for a moment, trying to remember his face. "It felt as if he was a businessman, like, he wore a suit and he had this..." I stopped to show his hair falling messily. "Hair. Overall! He looked exactly like a cat."

Kate's eyes squinted in a laugh so hard she couldn't stop skimming through clothes anymore. "I totally can't believe you just called some middle-aged man a cat."

"I mean--he wasn't exactly like a middle-aged man, maybe in his mid 30's." I chuckled. "I guess it's his eyes and cheekbones that make him look young."

All of a sudden, I found a perfect-fitting pair of jeans. I smiled at Kate, showing them. "I won."

At four, we were truly exhausted. Nobody said thrifting wasn't easy! Quickly, we wandered with our new bags to the bagel shop at the corner of the street. The bakery had tall ceilings and light windows. Marble floors fled along the entire place. They even seemed to flow on the second floor of the shop.

As usual, it was busy. In the crowd, my eyes noticed the same man I'd called a cat earlier.

"Kate!"I whispered. "He is here."

"Where?" She shouted.

"Oh, shut up. He is sitting at the second table over there." I pointed to the floor with my head.

Kate remained shocked, to which I smiled. "Which bagel should I order?"

Observation  - Cillian MurphyWhere stories live. Discover now