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Jadrien's Perspective

"What?!" I remember screaming, grabbing Eric's shoulders, grinning, shaking him back and forth. "Are you lying?!"

He snorted at this question, saying, "Why would I lie about such a thing? No, I'm not lying! Yes, Ferran Torres is coming to play for Barcelona!"

I stared at him, my hands on his shoulders, grinning my stupid face off. "Eric..." I breathed. "That's... I have a chance with him, Eric!"

My brother just rolled his eyes at that comment, and shrugged. "Well, you know I'm obviously excited, too. Me and Ferran were good friends back at City."

"I know you were!" I grin, all jumpy in excitement. I hugged by brother for the second time that day, saying, "Yes! Yes! Eric, yes!"

Eric smiled, rolling his eyes, and stood up, saying, "I'm going to put the dishes in the dishwasher and then go to bed, Jade. Enjoy your Ferran fantasies tonight."

"Wait, Eric, when will he be in training?"

"I think they said he will start training on the twelfth or something. I don't know. Soon, though. I'll probably meet up with him before that, though, if I can."

"Can I come?" I asked without thinking.

"Uh, I don't know about that, Jade. I was thinking, just like, a me and him thing, catching up."

"Hm... 'kay. I could pick you up then, so I could at least see him, though, right?"

He sighed, muttering, "Sure, if we even do that, I suppose. As long as you're not weird."

"I won't be weird, Eric!"

"Okay! Night, now! I'm going to bed, Jade!"

"Alright!" I grinned to myself as I watched him walk off to bed. I plopped down on the couch, calling Isabella.

"Girl, why are you calling me now? It's dinner hour. I could've been out with a guy."

"But you weren't, right?"


"Okay!" I squealed, curling my legs up to my chest. "Guess what?"

"Huh? You seem excited."

"I am, but you've got to guess why!"

"Uh, Phil Foden broke up with his girlfriend?"


"Eric is going to Manchester City again...?"


"You found yourself some German footballer to fall in love with in Munich!" she said, sounding very confident on this one.

"No! I can't wait any more with your stupid guesses! It's Ferran, Isabella."

"Ohhhhh, it's about Torres, huh?"

"Yeah, and I can't believe it! I have a second chance for him!"

"Oh really?"

"Yeah!" I squeal. "He's coming to Barcelona to play!"

"You can't be serious."

"That's what I said to Eric when he told me, Isabella! Oh my goodness, I'm so excited... I'm so excited... Ugh!"

"You sound like you're moaning over there from my end."

"Shut up, Isabella. I'm just excited."

"For what? It's not like he's gonna look at you and go randomly 'wow you're sexy' and stick is c*ck in your mouth, honey."

I blush at this stupid joke, muttering, "Yeah, I know, but..."

"But what? You're still gonna imagine it?"

"Shut up!" I say. "You're making me warm."

"How are you this head-over-heels for a guy you hardly know?"

"I've seen him on telly!"

"I'm sure you have, I'm sure you have. Well, that's good, Jade. You need to follow my instructions, though, you know, if you want him."


"You know, charm hi-"

"Isabella, I'm doing what I want to, thanks."

"'Kay, whatever. You won't be getting your man, then, but do what you want."

"I will. And what I want to do right now is dream about him, so I will. Goodnight, Isabella."

I could practically hear her roll her eyes as she responded with, "Yup, sweet dreams, Jadrien. Night." Then she hung up, and I shut my eyes, not even bothering to get up off the couch and actually go to my bedroom, and I went into my dream world.

In my dreams, I was at a bar. Or a club. There was alcohol and bright lights and loud voices, and my head felt the way it does when I'm drunk. A little light, but happy out of my mind. Just relaxed. And Ferran is there, and his face is red. He's shirtless, and wearing tight shorts, and he pulls me to him, and picks me up, holding my waist, and kisses the hell out of me, sucking on my lips, rubbing my body, stopping every so often just to smile at me. He looked so sweaty... I was wearing a very short crop top, so we could feel our warm skin against each other, and it was amazing. He said he was going to take me home, and that we were going to have something that lasts. He said he'd been thinking about me for so long as well, just as I had been, and that we must be made for each other because of it. He dragged me into a room in the club, and there was a bed in there, and candles lit, and dim lighting, and he pushed me down on the bed and got on top of me, starting to-

And then I woke up, sweaty and panting, muttering, "Oh God... what time is it?" I pulled myself up off the couch and went to the kitchen to see the time, feeling shaken by the dream, and extremely disappointed it had to end where it did.

Eric was in the kitchen, and he said without looking up, "Well, next time you should go to your bedroom if you're planning to have explicit dreams."

I felt myself get warmer than I already was, saying, "Sorry, Eric... What was I...?" I trailed off in concern.

He shook his head, saying, "Here, have some oatmeal. I have to head to training really soon, so-"

"Eric!" I said in annoyance, taking the bowl from him. "What was I doing in my sleep?"

"Oh, nothing. I just came in to see my own sister laying there on the couch muttering one of my friend's name in a tone I never want to hear my sister speaking in again, asleep or not."

"What is that supposed to mean?" I asked, leaning against the doorway.

"What  is means is that I would rather not start my day by hearing my sister talking in her sleep, sounding as if she's having sex with one of my friends, if you want it a little bit more bluntly. I understand you were dreaming, but it isn't the most preferred way to start my day, Jade."

"Uh- S- Sorry, Eric. I'll... make sure to sleep in my own bedroom, with the door closed."

"It's fine, Jade. Love you, bye. See ya later." And then he grabbed his bag and left the house, leaving me with my oatmeal and my thoughts.

And I was super embarrassed.

𝚜𝚘𝚖𝚎𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚕𝚒𝚔𝚎 𝚕𝚘𝚟𝚎... // 𝙵𝚎𝚛𝚛𝚊𝚗 𝚃𝚘𝚛𝚛𝚎𝚜Where stories live. Discover now