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Jadrien's Perspective

Overall, the party was great. At least to begin with. Dinner was a lot of fun, and then we all just basically sat in the living room and laughed and laughed and talked and talked. Isabella kind of became the translator when it was needed, but mostly the ones that didn't speak the same language just didn't converse with each other.

Yeah, it was great at the beginning.

And then it was fully my fault when that great beginning ended, and it was when I said to Eric, "Can we get the alcohol?"

"Jade, I already said no!" he replied, nervously glancing at Gavi.

"What, you guys are trying to keep me from drinking?" he asked, eyebrows raised.


"Gavi, you're still like seventeen," Ferran points out.

"Listen, new guy-"

"'New guy' is right, Gavi," Pedri said. "Jadrien, you can go get the stuff. I'll make sure Gavi here doesn't consume one drop of it!" He threw his arm around Gavi's shoulders, pulling him closer to him, who simply groaned and rolled his eyes in annoyance and likely disappointment.

"Hey, Gavi, it's not our fault you're a little teenager," I teased before getting up to get the bottles.

And that's when a chaotic game of Never Have I Ever started, paired with a lot of drinking, and only to really annoy Gavi, Pedri made Gavi drink grape juice. It was just as much as something to avoid than taking a sip of the alcohol, simply because he was so embarrassed to do it, and we always laughed at him every single time.

"Never have I ever missed a flight," Eric said.

Alejandro, Nico, Gavi, Rebecca, and Pedri drank.

"Never have I ever drunk-dialed my ex," said Isabella.

Only Nico and Pedri drank on that one.

Alejandro laughed as he said, "Never have I ever peed in the shower."

The more drunk ones burst out laughing at this one, and the embarrassed I, Isabella, Nico, Pedri, and Ansu drank.

"Never have I ever peed in the pool," Ansu grinned.

Nico was the only one who drank, cracking up, and he said, a little too loudly, defending himself, "It was when I was like five! My mum used to always tell the story to embarrass me in front of my football friends at academy!"

"Never have I ever eaten a whole carton of ice cream," Ferran said.

Isabella, Alejandro, Nico, Gavi, Ansu, and I drank on that one.

Nico was starting to get drunk, considering he had done most of these things so far.

"Never have I ever cheated in a board game,"  Phil said.

"Oh, you little saint," Rebecca rolled her eyes as she took a sip, along with Isabella, Alejandro, Pedri, Ferran, and Eric.

"Yes!" I cheered. "That's the first time Ferran or Eric sipped! Thanks, Phil, for never cheating!" I grinned.

"I just have never cheated in a board game because I don't play board games. I would have if I did," Gavi said.

"Yeah, same," piped in both Ansu and Nico.

"Yeah, because you're glued to your televisions playing FIFA," I rolled my eyes at them.

"Okay, guys, Phil hasn't drank yet," I said in Spanish, so everyone could understand me.

Phil asked, hearing his name, "What are you saying about me?"

"So," I continued, then looked right at Phil, "Never have I ever been in love with Rebecca Cooke."

Phil snorted, saying, "Jeez, rude. That's just directly targeting me," as only he, obviously took a drink.

"Hey!" Alejandro said, grinning evilly. "Never have I ever been in love with anyone sitting in this room."

Obviously, Phil and Rebecca hit their glasses together, laughing, before taking big sips as Phil put an arm around his girlfriend, and I remind myself that this totally doesn't hurt to see at all and that their such a sweet couple and...

Right, anyway.

I also sigh, shaking my head, taking a sip. I know I technically should be taking two shots, for not only Phil but also Ferran, but there is no need for them to be asking questions. "Alex, that was mean. You know that that is only me, Phil, and Rebecca, dude."

He shrugs, still grinning. "Wanted to see if Isabella would drink."

She crinkles her nose, saying, "Ew, you like me, Alejandro? Sorry, but I'm not into weird football dudes."

"No, I'm not into you. I just know someone else who might be..."

"Whoa...?" she raised her eyebrows, looking around the room, trying to find who it might be. I looked around too, looking for any uncomfortable shifting or flustered faces, but everyone was just looking at Alex like he was insane.

"Bro, you're crazy," Ansu said to Alex, rolling his eyes.

A little part of me sinked as I took that sip and glanced to Ferran, seeing that he didn't drink.

"Guys!" I suddenly blurt, grinning. "Eric, Ferran, and Phil haven't been drinking much... And poor Nico looks a little red in the face-"

"Hey!" an offended Nico interrupts me. "I'm not drunk!"

"Okay, you six foot tall teddy bear, whatever you say," I rolled my eyes at him.

"Six foot, two inches!"

"Okay, cool! You think I would know your exact height? Stop flexing how tall you are, nobody else cares!"

"Yeah, don't upset Phil!" Rebecca grinned, teasing her boyfriend, hitting him on the top of his head. "He's probably shorter than all of you boys."

"Beccaaa," Phil sighed, smiling at her in fake annoyance.

"Wow, you guys are so romantic," I said. "Anyway, let's get Ferran, Eric, and Phil drunk."

"Why?" Eric asked me in annoyance. 

"Because... you're my brother, Ferran is new, and... uh, Phil is Phil."

"Phil is Phil," repeated Phil.

"Yeah, Phil is Phil."

"I think I agree with this decision," Rebecca commented.

"Same," Isabella grinned.

"I agree, too," Pedri nodded. "Okay, never have I ever... played for Manchester City."

"Alright!" I grinned, high-fiving Pedri. "Three birds with one stone!"

"This isn't fair," Eric comments. "That's not how this game is supposed to work."

"Too bad," Isabella grinned.

"I don't care," Ferran said, who was keeping pretty quiet for a reason  I didn't know. "I have a high tolerance."

"Oh, okay, Mr. Big Guy, I guess that's jus' all the more reason for us to get you drunk!" I grinned, sticking my tongue out at him.

"Be careful, though," Rebecca grinned. "Phil is really annoying when he's drunk."

So that's how that got going.

P.S. Gavi was still drinking the grape juice in humility.

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