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~ Author's Note ~

This chapter kind of covers a longer span of time. Things are getting closer, my readers... Getting closer...


Jadrien's Perspective

So, I guess it kind of becomes a tradition, in the New Year.

I want to talk to Ferran, so I wait for Ferran.

This is the second time after training I am doing this, but this time I am prepared, and wearing a thick, black, warm, cozy turtleneck sweater, a long skirt that goes down to my ankles, and my big, warm, fuzzy, beige boots. So not a potato sack, but warm, so I can stand out here in the cold without literally torturing myself.

Ferran also leaves trainings before everyone else, apparently. Soon he comes, wearing a big warm camo coat, black sweatpants, and a pair of white sneakers. "Hey, Ferran," I smile with a wave. "How are you today?"

"Nothing much. Sorry, but I can not really talk right now."

"So something is up?" I ask, my eyebrows furrowing unconsciously.

"Not really. Just got something to get to."

I smile. "You do not have any time to spare to just have a conversation of less than a minute?"

"No, not really."

"Is something wrong?" I ask in concern at his cold way of speaking. He get to his car and unlocks it.

"Not at all. Everything is perfectly fine. I just have something to get to, and I can not be late."

"Oh... okay."

And that leaves me wondering a good deal for a good while. Especially since every practise after that, the same thing happens. He leaves early and says he has to get to something, otherwise he will be late. Late to who knows what, though.

Today, because of some other situations, practise has been changed to the afternoon, and I am available, so of course I sit down on the hood. Ferran comes early again, like always, and I stand up, walking towards him. He is walking briskly towards his car as he always does, and I say, "What do you think you are doing?"

He stops, looking me in confusion. "What...?"

"Trying to run away again?"

His thick perfect eyebrows furrow. "Run away...?"

"Obviously that is what you have been doing. Are you busy?"

"Yeah, I have got something important to get t-"

"No, you do not!" I snap. "You do not! It is not morning right now! It is a different time than usual! Your life can not be that busy! I am a model, and I know being busy does not make a person constantly this busy! You are avoiding me! Why are you running away? I thought we made things up with each other!"

His jaw clenches, and he says, "You are pretty upset about this...?"

"Of course I am!" I snap. "And you should know I would be! There is no denying that I like you, Ferran!"

"Right," he nods. He walks closer to me, before saying, "It is true that most mornings I actually do have something I have to get to. But, yes, this time I just wanted to... go. Jadrien, it is nothing against you. I really do... er, erm- uh, anyway, I am just tired. Seriously. I am being completely honest with you. I would do that to anyone. Literally. My closest friend or family member as well, if I am tired."

I sigh, nodding. "It is fine... Really..."

"No, no, no. Jadrien, I do not want you to be... I am sorry, okay? It is nothing against you... I... oh, never mind."

"Ferran, what?" I ask, looking up in sudden interest at his confused stuttering.

"Ah, I was just going to say that I do not mind our conversations. Not at all. You are nice, and I think we look at a lot of topics similarly. You know? I... really like it when you are here after training and I do not have to get to things or I am not too drained because it is honestly really fun to speak with you. I call it our parking lot talks in my head, you know."

Ferran's Perspective

She is blushing now, and I feel so bad for saying that. I should have kept it to myself. Now she is going to have hope, and I do not want her to, because I care about her enough to not want to make her feel like I like her back. I am keeping her in the friend zone, and I need to continue to. I need to shut up and stop saying stuff like that that is true but could be taken in a romantic way.

She glances away, before asking, "Parking lot talks, huh?"

"Yeah, I guess so. I know it's kind of weird bu-"

"No, no, no, I like it! I really do like it a whole lot, actually!" she interrupts quickly. "So, where do you go? I mean, all the time in the mornings?"

"Oh, no place special," I shake my head, looking away from her, off in the distance of the fading sky. I cannot possibly tell her where I go so often.

"Come on, Ferran. Why will you not tell me?"

I shift my weight, shrugging, still not meeting her eyes. "It is real personal. And actually, I really should be getting going. I have got other stuff going on today. So I'll catch you later?"

"Oh, yeah," she nods, obviously trying to look, act, and sound as if she's not disappointed, even though she very obviously is. "I'll see you, Ferran."

Jadrien's Perspective

With this guy, things to be up and down and around. I can't figure him out. I can't understand him. He's friendly, and then there's the cold shoulder, and then back again, and then in between, and it's so confusing. Are all guys like this? I don't think Phil is, or was, at least, when he was my big crush...

Now it is the beginning of March, and for the last little while, Ferran has been getting more and more distant and unfriendly with me, and I long to know why, but I have no idea how to approach him about such a thing as this. In what way will I go about it?

𝚜𝚘𝚖𝚎𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚕𝚒𝚔𝚎 𝚕𝚘𝚟𝚎... // 𝙵𝚎𝚛𝚛𝚊𝚗 𝚃𝚘𝚛𝚛𝚎𝚜Where stories live. Discover now