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Jadrien's Perspective

When I wake up the next morning, right away I get to getting dressed. I put on a tight turtleneck, tighter sweatpants, and Ferran's hoodie, which I never actually did end up giving back to him last night.

I sigh, content, and so excited for this new adventure, as my heart pounds in my chest.

I've decided an outfit like this one since I'm taking the train home, and it's nice to be comfortable on the train. Not to mention, they crank up the air conditioning on there so high because of how crowded it can get with body heat, so it's smart to dress warmer, no matter how cool it is outside. And I figure the most comfortable thing is Ferran's hoodie.

Last night before I left, Ferran, luckily, gave me his phone number. I head to the train station, and as I wait for the train, I immediately call him. After three rings, he picks up, "Hey," he says simply in his lovely voice.

"Last night, you meant everything? Fully?"

"Of course. Don't worry. Don't feel insecure. I was honest about how I feel," he says, his tone reassuring.

"Sorry for asking."

"I don't mind."

"I was just figuring that, like, I really want this to be dating. I want to really spend time with you and know you."

"Let's just take this slow. I agree, but let's not push anything. It will come naturally. We'll help each other navigate this together. But I can't really talk right now, because soon I'm going to be around the other guys on the bus."

"Okay... My train is almost going to be here."

"Alright. Just be safe, okay?"

"You too. Bye."

"Bye, Jadrien."

Ferran's Perspective

"Ferran, come here and sit next to me," says Eric, so I do, plopping down next to my friend. After I get myself situated in my spot, my teammate asks, "So what was up with you and Jade last night then?"

I roll my eyes and say with a smirk, "Protective brother much?"

"Shut up. I'm just wondering."

"We just went for a walk together. Our friendship has been super rocky for quite a long time, and we finally mended some holes, is all. And I just wanted it to be her and me, because it's something that only concerns her and me. Make sense?" Admittedly, last night, as I lay awake in bed, cursing myself, getting excited, being in love, and so on, I also spent special time to think about all the different ways I'll pretend that there's nothing whatsoever going on between me and Jadrien. So hopefully my lies will end up being fairly foolproof.

Or at least that's the hope.

I still can't really believe this has happened. I feel... my emotions are all over the place. Some part of me, of course, is super excited. For months, I've been consumed by thoughts about her, and now she's finally mine. So of course that makes me so happy. I can't wait. But I'm also nervous, because I don't know how fast and far we should go with this, and I have a feel she'll want to go as fast and far as possible. I don't know if I want to. And then of course there is the anxiety that this isn't right, and that I'll stop liking her, and want to leave. And the fact that I don't even know if dating is the right thing for me right now.

I just hope it all goes well.

I take out my phone, holding it low as I open a text from Jadrien, telling me after training today, we should plan to spend some time together, since she's going to be gone for the next couple of days for her fashion show. I tell her that sounds good, and we end up deciding simply to go to meet at a park at 11:00 A.M.

I'm excited, I think.

Who am I kidding? I'm really excited.

It will be a nice time, because this park is usually not too busy, and it being a Monday at 11:00 A.M. just adds to the chance of there being less people around. I want to be able to be with her without... any intruders.

Jadrien's Perspective

Once I get home, right away, I prepare a brunch picnic for the two of us before changing into a black t-shirt and blue jean shorts, since it's warmer now. Of course, I still put Ferran's hoodie on top, too, though. It feels so much like him, I love it.

Then I get going to the park, practically skipping, I'm so happy.

When I get there, I see Ferran's car just pulling up in the lot, so I walk over to it. He opens his window, looking up at me, saying, "Hey." He opens the door, gets out, and shuts it behind him. We start walking, looking for a nice place to sit. He's wearing a dark purple t-shirt, shorts, and a few bracelets. "What have you got there?" he asks, gesturing to the food I brought.

"Oh, I decided to bring a little picnic! I thought it'd be fun! I didn't know what you like, but I brought lots of different kinds of things!"

He smiles at this, softly, and there's this look of... I don't know. Something really sweet. I mean, it can't be love just yet, right? Either way, he just looks at me with that look in his sweet eyes.

And either way, it makes me feel so happy inside.

"I still can't believe you actually like me back, Ferran. I mean, after all these years."

"I just never gave you a chance before," he says simply.

I nod. "I'm glad you finally did."

"I think I am too. How about here? No one is around here, and it's under a nice tree with shade. Here, I'll put the blanket down."

"You sure?" I laugh, handing it to him. "I can do it."

"And so can I," he says, straightening it out on the grass before sitting down. I sit down next to him, close, and start taking out the food. "Oh," he suddenly says with a laugh. "You're still wearing my hoodie."

I shrug, grinning at him. "I like it. It reminds me so much of you."

"Want to just keep it?" he asks, smiling back.

"I'd love to."

𝚜𝚘𝚖𝚎𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚕𝚒𝚔𝚎 𝚕𝚘𝚟𝚎... // 𝙵𝚎𝚛𝚛𝚊𝚗 𝚃𝚘𝚛𝚛𝚎𝚜Where stories live. Discover now