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Jadrien's Perspective

"Oh my God, when I saw Jade was calling, I nearly forgot who that was!"

"Shut up!" I giggle at my friend.

"We legit haven't talked in like six months or something. My God. Maybe even more. What's up with you, girl?" Isabella says.

"Not that long. You're being dramatic. And... I was wondering if I could tell you, like, a really important secret that you have to keep. I just have to tell someone..."

"Right, of course. That's what they always say, right before they tell the whole block what the secret is. Anyway, yeah, shoot. Cross my heart and hope to die, I won't tell your secret. What's up?"

"I... I started dating someone."

"Oooooo! So you finally got over Ferran!"

"Uh... well, no," I giggle. "Just listen to this. You won't believe me."

"Okay. I'm listening."

"I'm... Me and Ferran are dating."

"Girl!" is all she says.

"Yeah, I know!"

"You're kidding me! How many nude pics did it ta-"

"Ew! None, you weirdo! He just started to like me back, like, at the beginning of this year, and then finally told me so, just a few nights ago! So now he's my boyfriend! We've decided we'll be going out together!"

"Wow... That's crazy, Jade. I'm so, so happy for you!"

"I'm also happy for me!" I giggle. "And God, he's, like... He must be the best kisser to ever walk planet earth. I'm not sure where he's got all his practice from, but God. It's mesmerizing. He's like the dream. He's tall and super strong and oh my goodness, his kisses."

"Girl, how many times have you kissed him then?"

"Well, two. And both times were... I was on cloud nine, Isabella."

"Well," she chuckles. "I'm so happy you, somehow, ended up getting your dream man after all! I guess all the suffering through it was worth it in the end! I hope it all goes well for you."

"Me too. I hope it goes well for us, too... Thank you so much."

"Of course. So you're keeping it a secret with him for now, then? Is that what you said?"

"Yeah. So don't tell anyone. Not even Erico knows."

"Alright. Fair enough. I'll keep it to myself. Your secret is safe with me."

"Okay! Thank you so much!"

"Of course! Is there anything else you wanted to tell me or is that it?"

"That's it. Bye, I love you."

"Love you too. Talk to you later," says my friend, before hanging up.

Ferran's Perspective

Maybe I'm being a little obsessive.

On my dresser, there are two pieces of paper. One is a piece of paper towel, and the other is a piece of notebook paper.

The paper towel is from yesterday. After Jadrien kissed me on my neck, I guess that left a little lipstick stain on my neck, because the moment I got home and past by the man in the mirror, I saw he had a little pink mark in the shape of a beautiful girl's lips still on my neck. So I wiped it off, and the paper towel remains on my table.

I pick it up, looking at it for a few second. Just a regular shiny light pink color.

I bet she looks just as beautiful without makeup.

She's a model. What do I expect?

I just bet she wouldn't even have to try to be beautiful, if she didn't to. I'm sure she just is. She's stunning.

I place the paper towel back down on my dresser, and I feel my hand going to the exact place on my neck where I wiped that off of. The exact place she kissed me. I feel my fingers brush over it.

I then look to the piece of notebook paper and pick that up.

I'm so stupid.

She's so sophisticated. I still can't believe she seems something so amazing in me.

I haven't been able to stop thinking about her. Not for one single second.

This piece of paper is just a list. A list I wrote. A list of...

It sounds so stupid.

I wrote a list of date ideas.

Because I want to go on more dates with her.

It's not a list I'll show her. Just something I'll turn to when I'm asking her out.

I keep picking up my phone and looking at her contact, before putting it back down. She's busy. This evening, she has a fashion show. I'm going to watch her on television, and I honestly can not wait for how lovely she'll look. She'll look like a princess. A beautiful princess. I'm sure of it.

I set my list back down next to the paper towel. I stare at those two pieces of paper. I really should just throw them out. I don't know why I haven't yet. Neither of them matter.

Yet when I stand up and walk to the door, they're still sitting on my dresser.

I flip to the channel her show will be on, and watch through the whole thing, until she comes out, walking red carpet.

My breath catches in my throat.

The dress she's wearing is backless, with thin straps instead of any sort of sleeves, holding it up. It's cut low, showing off her cleavage (which definitely makes me feel some s***), and sparkling pink. She's sparkling pink. That's her color. The makeup on her eyes is that color, with some black eyeliner as well, and her lashes look long and beautiful. I feel my heart rate speed up as I stare in utter awe at the television.

I wish I could see her in real life like that.

The tight dress hugs her beautiful figure tightly, and she's full of sparkling bling. Beautiful pink and silver earrings hang from her ears, and she has a beautiful silver necklace. She's wearing sparkling silver high heels. Her lips are light pink, just like the makeup on her eyes. Her hair is done up beautifully, in a bun, with a few curling strands hanging out. Holding her hair together is a silver piece with pink jewels.

Oh, my God.

I want to kiss those lips.


Like, why on earth does this literal queen like me?

I'm just some guy, really. I mean, I'm not, but compared to her? I totally am.

And amongst all the sparkles, light pink, and silver, are her piercing, amazing, shining, bright blue eyes.

Any guy could fall in love with her.

I don't like that thought.

I cover my mouth, staring at her as she walks down my television screen, in utter awe. And amazement. This woman is mesmerizing. And...

Super sexy.

That sounds bad, because obviously we've been dating for like three days, and I've been in love with her for about three months (a little more) but I don't mean it like I want to f*** her right now.

I just mean it that...

She's gorgeous. And sexy.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 17, 2023 ⏰

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