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~ Author's Note ~

Guys so I am writing a Football Imagines book in which you can request imagines, so I encourage you, if you want to request an imagine and you like my writing, to go to the 'Request Information' first chapter of that book and request! And even if you don't have any requests, you also can feel free to simply read the imagines I have written so far! Thank you so much! Here is the link to the book <3 : https://www.wattpad.com/story/341405054-football-imagines-requests-open


Jadrien's Perspective

At the end of the summer, Eric invited Ferran over to our house. He advised me to not be in the house when Ferran came over, but I said no. I was determined to fix things with us. Eric said Ferran wouldn't want to, but I told Eric I wanted to more than Ferran didn't want to. He had said, "Alright, then, you stubborn person. Do whatever you want, but I'm just telling you, it isn't smart at all."

I didn't want to believe Eric, so I simply didn't.

And so Ferran came over, and I eavesdropped from the other room on their conversation, which is something I am quiet good at. They spoke of nothing interesting, really. Just football and man stuff. Stuff that bores me out of my mind, but it was Ferran's beautiful voice that kept me listening.

Finally, though, I heard Eric say, "Well, do you want to eat dinner?"

"Sure," Ferran replied.

"Do you mind if my sister eats with us? She would be bothered if she wasn't invited."

I snorted softly to myself at Eric's comment after the question.

"Oh... I guess I don't mind... But... isn't she still into me?"

"Yeah, but it isn't like she's drunk or anything. She's a really sweet person when she's sober. I know you've had a bad experience with her, but she really is a good person."

"Hmm," Ferran sounded quite unsure, but finally he said, "Alright, then. You can invite her in for dinner."

I heard Eric getting up, so I rushed to the closest room, the bathroom, and turned on the faucet, acting like I had just gone to the bathroom. Eric stepped into the hallway, seeing me washing my hands, because I left the door open. "Hey, Jade," he smiled. "Want to come have dinner with me and Ferran?"

I smiled back and nodded. "Sure. What are we having?"

"I just picked up some already made food from the grocery store. I'm just going to heat it up again, but Ferran is sitting at the table, if you want to go join him while I make that stuff."

I nodded, feeling a bubble of excitement rise within me, and then entered the dining room, where Ferran was sitting, on his phone. He is wearing a blue hoodie, the cross necklace he always is wearing, and tight blue jeans. Of course, I realised how good he looked in just a simple outfit as this.

I sat down next to him, suddenly feeling shy. I swallowed, searching for words, because he didn't even look up from his phone. Finally I said, "Hey, Ferran."

He replied, still not looking up. "Hi."

"So, how have things been for you?"

"It has been a good summer." Still staring at his phone. I wondered what was so interesting about his phone. Then I realised that nothing was interesting about his phone. There was just something seriously not interesting about me.

"That is so good to hear, Ferran," I said, trying to sound polite and kind and normal.

There was silence, before I finally let out a shaky breath. I knew if I was going to say it, I would have to say it soon, before Eric finished with the food and came back. I was scared to talk to him about this, but I knew I had to. I had to get it off my chest, no matter what his reaction will be, or how much more awkward things with us could've gotten.

So I said bluntly, "Ferran, can I please talk to you about something?"

I watched as his jaw slightly tightened, but that was the only sign of emotion he showed. Still didn't look up. "Go ahead," he said, his voice even flatter than it was before.

"No, like, can you put your phone down and look at me? This is really important. At least for me."

He let out a very soft, quiet sigh, before shutting off his phone with a click and setting it on the table in front of him. And then those dark brown eyes that I have dreamed of so much met mine. "What is it?"

I took a deep breath in, before finally letting the words off my chest. "Ferran, I am so sorry for that night. It was awful of me to just kiss you like that and act like you were something you weren't. You aren't. I never meant to make you so uncomfortable, but I understand completely why you would be, because you should be, after what I did. I was drunk, and we all know I should have never gotten that drunk. I never should. Ever. So I'm so sorry. I really do think you're a sweet guy, and I'm not trying to say this in some flirty way. I'm just trying to say... Well, we don't have to be friends or anything, but can we please mend this up? Will you please forgive me?"

He studied my face, and for a second, I thought there must've been no thoughts in his head at all with the look he was giving me. Finally, after some consideration, though, he said, "Well..." Suddenly, a big teasing smirk appeared on his face, which made my heart leap in my chest, and he said with an eye roll and a dry chuckle, "Well, I suppose it is a new La Liga season, huh? It's been six months. It is a new year... Huh? Well, I guess, if you promise not to force me to make out with you again, I can stop avoiding you like the plague. I'll just avoid you like the COVID-19 virus, instead."

I grinned, laughing at his stupid voice with his stupid way of talking and his stupid little jokes, and I decided that I really did want to date him in that moment. I mean, really, I decided I wanted him to get on one knee and propose to me right there, but obviously that would never happen, right? Well, that's how I was feeling then. I was feeling that I didn't just like like him a whole freaking lot, but that I really did love him.

With his perfect timing, Eric came back in the room with the food and a smile, and later I learned that he had heard our whole conversation.

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