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~ Author's Note ~

Next chapter after this one is bonus chapter.


Jadrien's Perspective

I really do regret what I did that night. I was so stupid. So drunk. After that night, it took a while for me to let myself get drunk again. And even longer for me to let myself get drunk again when I was anywhere near Ferran Torres.

"Listen, Jadrien, I really need you to let go of me..."

"Stop saying my name!" I giggled, burying my head into his very strong chest. "You're so hot, Ferran."

"Please..." he said, probably the most uncomfortable man on planet Earth in that moment. "Why don't you go back inside, eh? Probably Eric is worried about you..."

"Do you think I care about my brother, Eric, when I can be here, standing here with you, Ferran?" I said, grabbing at his shirt in a big fistful with my hand. "I love how tall you are..."

He cleared his throat for about the two hundred thirty-second time, before saying, "I'm sure Phil is worried about you. Phil is probably wondering if you're alright. They don't know where you went. Phil is a really nice guy. He's probably wondering about you."

And, my God, looking back on this, Ferran is so clever.

I looked up at him, my eyes blurry from alcohol, and I said, "You think so? Do you really think, Ferran, that Phil is worried about me?" My voice was softer now. More delicate. He hit a soft spot. Phil has always been a soft spot with me, and he was smart enough to know that. He was smart enough to use that in this situation, or at least try to.

"Sure," he smiled. "I'm sure he is. He really cares about you a lot."

"He does?" I asked, my eyes watering. "Ferran, that's... so nice."

And then he made a mistake. I really was about to turn around right then and there and stumble back inside the building to show my drunk self to Phil Foden, but Ferran made a mistake. He didn't even know he did. And it shouldn't have been a mistake. But it was, because it was me.

He smiled at me, and it really did look genuine, at least to Drunk Jade, and he said, using my first name on accident once again, "Of course, Jadrien."

It's like that smile and the using of my name reminded myself of my Ferran Torres addiction. My Ferran Torres obsession. I was obsessed and addicted to something- someone- that was in no way whatsoever mine. A helpless, love struck fool. That's what I was. That's what I am.

Kind of been what I've always been.

Funny the way I am.

I stared at him all googly-eyed, and he backed away, trying to get into his car with a nervous wave, but I grabbed him again, saying, "You're so sober."

"Uh, what?" The confusion in his voice, even though I feel bad for him, looking back on it, was absolutely golden.

"I said you're so sober. How? You drank just as much as me, and I'm drunk outta my mind!" at that, I started laughing at myself, tightening my grip around his middle once again. I could feel in his stomach the way he sighed in distress at this whole situation.

"I don't know...? I guess I just have a high tolerance...?"

"Ferran, tall football guys with high tolerances are so hot. Do you know how handsome you are?"

He was so antsy to go and uncomfortable to be there. "Why is having a high tolerance 'handsome', as you say?"

"Hmmm... I dunnooo... It makes it seem like you're, like, really tough. I think you're really tough. I like tough guys..."

"Right..." He shifted away from me as best as he could, before getting clever once again, saying with a beautiful, smart smile, "Oh, you know what, Jadrien?"

"What?" I asked hopefully.

"It's getting really late, you know? Like, look at how dark it is. Remember how I mentioned Phil really cares about you?"

I blinked at him in confusion. "Yeahhh...?" I was drawing out a lot of my words.

"Well, I also really care about you."

I remember my heart leaped at this comment. When I was this drunk, I couldn't tell how much of an obvious lie this was. It felt true, and that's exactly what Ferran wanted me to think in that moment. He was smart.

He is smart.

He's clever.

I like clever guys. It's attractive.

"Y- You do?" I asked, staring up into his brown eyes.

"Of course I do," he smiled, and it really did look so genuine. "I care about you, and I think the best for you would be to go inside. It's really late, and you should get some sleep. Eric and Phil are probably wondering about you, along with the other guys in there. It's starting to get cooler out here with the darkness, and I'd hate it for you if you got a cold. I know you don't want to say goodbye to me, and I don't want to say goodbye either, but we're both a bit drunk, and I think it's best if we both get back to our houses and get some rest, no? Of course we'll see each other again very soon, right?"

He was flat-out f***ing lying to get me away from him, and I don't blame him one bit for doing what he did. It was the only way to get me away from him.

I really did believe his words, but unfortunately for him, and likely both of us, I wouldn't let him run away before just stepping a little bit past the line even more. I gave a goofy grin up at him, and say, "Okayyy... That makes sense. As long as I get to see you again soon!"

He smiled back. "Of course you will! I'll look forward to it!" 

He was about to slip in his car and get away while he could, but right before he could fully make his escape, I said, "Not so fast, handsome."

"Uh, what?" he asked, looking over, concerned.

I grinned, standing on my tiptoes, wrapping my arms around the back of his neck, before pressing my lips against his for just a moment. I finally giggled, saying, "Bye, Ferran!" and ran off back inside, feeling like the luckiest girl on Earth.

I was in no way the luckiest girl on Earth.

𝚜𝚘𝚖𝚎𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚕𝚒𝚔𝚎 𝚕𝚘𝚟𝚎... // 𝙵𝚎𝚛𝚛𝚊𝚗 𝚃𝚘𝚛𝚛𝚎𝚜Where stories live. Discover now