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~ Author's Note ~

Kind of exciting, because in this chapter, we get Ferran's first perspective in the whole book!


Jadrien's Perspective

I stand outside, leaning on the hood of my car, snuggled up in my (not very warm) leather jacket. I'm quite cold standing out here, leaning against the even colder temperature of my car, wearing a black tank top with a low collar, black jean shorts, and high heel black boots. The only things that are providing me at least a little bit of warmth are the jacket and my boots. And my hair. My hair is honestly keeping me pretty warm as well.

But not warm enough, of course, considering it is literally mid-January and I'm in this outfit. I'm shivering and my teeth are chattering. I can see the steam of my breath go out into the air.

So why am I putting myself in this situation? Why don't I just go in my car and heat up? Or why am I wearing such an outfit in January to start with? Well, I'm wearing this outfit because I originally thought I was going to a party today, and even in winter, I always wear clothes like this, because many times indoors, it gets very warm. But then the party was cancelled. And then Eric asked if I could go with him to his home match tonight last minute, so I agreed. In the car ride, he passingly presented an interesting fact that is what is keeping me standing outside instead of sitting in the car, and it is this: Often times, Ferran Torres gets out of the dressing room quite quickly and is already gone when everyone else is finishing up. He said he leaves pretty much as soon as he can.

And so I have two stupid reasons I'm standing here. One is that I search for any alone time with Ferran I can get and the other is that if I can figure out why he gets out of the dressing room so early, I would like to. Because I would like to learn as much about him as I can.

But I don't want to miss him.

So this is why I stand, freezing my freaking butt off, leaning on my car, staring at my phone, pretending I'm doing something. My fingers are bright red, but at least they don't sting anymore, because they've gone numb.

I keep telling myself this is stupid and I should just go inside the car. Because it is stupid. Anyone could say that. But then I never actually move and get into the car, which I could very quickly heat up.

And finally, after what seems like one hundred eternities, I hear footsteps cutting across the parking lot. Before I look up, I quickly check to see what time it is, before slipping the phone into the pocket of my leather jacket and looking up.

It is, in fact, to my relief, Ferran Torres. In the dark night, with only a streetlamp providing light, he is just a shadow, but I can tell it is him. He is wearing a big puffy winter jacket, which I wish I could be wearing. I inhale deeply before getting up the guts to say, "Hey, Ferran!"

His shadowy figure stops, and his head turns in my direction. I wave, and try to wave him over. He steps forward, hesitates for less than a second, and then starts walking towards me with big, long strides.

Finally he is close enough for us to see each other's faces, and he says simply, readjusting his bag on his shoulder, "I thought it would be you, Jadrien."

"Why?" I ask, not quite knowing why I'm even asking that.

"Your voice, I guess. And I thought I recognized that as Eric's car. Now, what's up? I've got to go, you know."

I nod. "Right. Well, I wouldn't mean to keep you, but... Uh, it's a pretty late game. What have you got to go to get to?"

He snorts. "Sleeping."

"Oh... Well, I just wanted to congratulate you and your team. You all did great tonight. And won!" I grin.

"So you watched it?"

"Course I did," I laugh. "Eric would've killed me if I hadn't."

"My gosh, really?" he laughs. "I guess it's kind of sweet the way you two are so close."

I nod, just trying to continue conversation with him as I say, "Do you have any siblings?"

"Oh, yes, I've got two," he nods back. "I'm pretty close with my sister, actually. Probably kind of like you and Eric."

"Right, cool. Well, Ferran," I start, feeling as though I'm walking on eggshells for some unknown reason, "I see that, like, you're the only one here. Where are the rest of the guys? Shouldn't they be coming out here soon?"

He shrugs. "Maybe. They're probably all still in the dressing room."

"So then why are you here so early?"

He shrugs once more. "Well, I don't know. Never like spending more time in there than I have to. And often times, after games and trainings, I've got things to get to. I guess now all it is is sleeping, but yeah... Many times I have other things going on, when games and training sessions are earlier in the morning."

"Well, what have you got to get to, then?"

"Ah, not much... Anyway, Jadrien, again, I'm pretty tired. I'll see you later." Then he turns, and just like that, he's gone.

And every single little word I speak with him, I want to know him more and more. And I'm so thankful he doesn't hate me anymore.

Ferran's Perspective

I'm honestly quite confused as to why I don't hate her anymore. I sigh, blasting the heat up in my car after turning the key. I pull the gear lever and start driving away. Right before I exit the lot, I glance in the rear view mirror to see her walking around to get in the passenger's seat of Eric's car.

And this brings up the question in my head, Why was she just standing there, outside, in the cold?

And then it clicks, which honestly makes me chuckle softly.

She was waiting for me.

𝚜𝚘𝚖𝚎𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚕𝚒𝚔𝚎 𝚕𝚘𝚟𝚎... // 𝙵𝚎𝚛𝚛𝚊𝚗 𝚃𝚘𝚛𝚛𝚎𝚜Where stories live. Discover now