Confessing to Another Loser 🤡

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a/n: included a pic of me above, try not to fall in love xoxo

Summary: basically you confess that you like a loser to another loser (this probs makes no sense i'm so sorry)

I might make a part 2 where the loser in question helps you confess to the other but idkk also i tried to keep it gender neutral! I feel bad i always use fem pronouns :/

WARNINGS: cursing teehee

• you couldn't have picked a better loser to spill the beans to
• Mike is the most supportive friend and honestly the advice he gives??? S tier
• he caught you all mopey after a shared class of yours where someone gave Bill flirty eyes the whole period
• "Hey you know you can talk to me right?"
• i imagine he's so hard not to open up to, he's just the type of person that can make you feel safe no matter what
• so you did tell him, and he was so supportive!!
• "Trust me when I say you have nothing to worry about, Bill is a bit oblivious to when it comes to this but he definitely likes you too!"
• doesn't hesitate to offer possible solutions
• "I'll talk to him- do you want me to talk to him? I'll go up to him right now and ask him! And I won't tell him you sent me."
• I can see him going home and researching different ways to help set up friends
• overall won't do anything without your permission but say the word and he'll play cupid

• Stan is so hard to read
• which is why you had to go to the second best people reader, Beverly Marsh
• it felt like she was waiting for you tbh
• when you entered her room she was sitting in her chair and stroking a stuffed animal
• "Oh hey, have a seat."
• she doesn't even say anything after that, just stares at you patiently waiting
• "Beverly I need your help, you're the best person for this job and I need assistance."
• "Say no more."
• she immediately gets up and reaches under her bed to pull out a bat
• "Who do I need to hurt."
• "What?! No I need help because I like Stan!"
• *drops the bat disappointed*
• "Oh...well he likes you too! Why didn't you say anything sooner? I could be planning a wedding right now!"
• proceeds to grab a journal and flops on the bed
• "Now tell me everything in great detail."
• it's going to be a long night.

• honestly you don't know what you were thinking when you agreed to hang out with Stan
• that mf can see ALL
• as soon as he got you by yourself he gave you the Stan look
• "Spill."
• "Excuse me?"
• you can try and act all innocent but as previously stated, he sees all
• "You like someone, tell me who."
• is so blunt with it that it's too obvious that he won't take no for an answer
• "Okay okay! I like Richie, thoughts?"
• "And prayers, bitch what."
• is honestly a little concerned, he thought it was Richie but he was hoping for anyone else
• don't worry he won't tell a soul, but he will serve looks whenever you interact with Richie from now on
• embodiment of the Rock face (iykyk)
• is praying for you but also supportive cuz he's still your friend

• honestly Bill finding out was an accident
• I say accident because let's face it the boy is as awkward as they come and besides Richie he should be the last loser you consider telling (sorry Bill i love you)
• but Bill being the oblivious king he is he kinda forced it out of you
• you were studying together when the topic of crushes came up
• Bill decided to play a game to guess the other losers crushes as to not die of boredom 
• "Well St-stan thinks thinks Richie likes E-Eddie."
• *crickets*
• "Wha-what? It's not like I-I said you like him..."
• *more crickets*
• "Oh-oh my go-gosh you do like him-"
• is totally shocked at this new information and it takes a second for his brain to reset
• after he realizes he cannot stop apologizing for saying Richie likes him
• stuttering gets worse and he's just a mess
• "Hey it's alright Bill, just let this be our little secret, okay?"
• "O-O-O-Okay-ay-Okay!"
• the game is forgotten for a moment and you both study in silence
• "Stan also thinks Ben likes Beverly."
• "W-Wait what?"
• evil

• we are all well aware how Eddie tends to go on little rants when confronted with something stressful
• and today was really stressful, a girl coughed on him on him in third period :(
• so here you were trying to get him to stop pacing and to shut up for one second
• "Eddie please it was one cough and you've already washed your hands six times, applied hand sanitizer four times, and- is that Mike?"
• the SPEED at which you completely forgot about poor Eddie was indescribable
• it gave him whiplash with how you turned your whole body towards Mike who was just about to pass by
• "Hey guys! I'll see you later at the quarry, yeah?"
• "Totally..." *cue heart eyes*
• as soon as Mike was out of sight Eddie was on your ass
• "What the hell was that??"
• that girl coughing on him? completely forgotten
• Eddie just kept glancing between you and where he had last seen Mike, the puzzle piecing slowly fitting into place
• "What the fu-"
• "Alright I like Mike can you please calm down and drop it?"
• you could see Eddie getting ready to freak out again and honestly you could do without the whole school hearing about your crush
• "DROP IT?!!?!???!?"
• the pacing picked back up for an entirely different reason now as Eddie had flashbacks to every single moment Mike and you shared
• "Holy shit hOW BLIND AM I?????"
• good luck soldier

all I can say is you are brave bestie
• confiding in Richie is basically like confiding to a facebook group of white moms
• he is never letting it go
but unlike a facebook group of white moms he WILL take that shit to the grave
• would never tell a soul, he resists the urges like it's his mission ??
• "Stay strong soldier, you got this."
• "Richie wtf."
• but if you two are alone??? good luck getting him to shut up
• anyways it all happened on that fateful day
• Richie was unusually bored today, Eddie wasn't around to annoy and he'd run out of pranks to try and pull on the others
• so now he was your problem :)
• "SIGH I wish someone would talk to me. GOD if only someone would spend time with me I'm so lonely...UGHHH-"
• "I will literally do anything to make you stop."
• "Darkest secret now."
• there was no hesitation, Richie full on stared at you dead in the eye, you're not even sure he's blinked yet
• "I like Beverly but I'm pretty Bill and Ben do too."
• proceeds to roast you for the next 13 minutes and 22 seconds
• "AND THATS WHY..AND THATS...yeah I'm all out, what're you gonna do about it?"
• he then proceeds to fill the friend role and try and help you out
• but as much as he brags about being a player there is no game to be seen
• "Uhhh I don't know give her a fist bump or something but like a romantic one."
• "How the fuck do you give a romantic fist bump??"
• i love him but he's an idiot

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