Trash Thug pt.3 | Richie Tozier

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a/n: the feedback i've been getting on this is amazing :( ily all !!!

WARNINGS: cursing, violence

       "Kidnapper? Are they serious? Ugh, so tacky." Richie complained as he squeezed through the back window, Beverly on the other side attempting to pull him up. I growled, shoving him as the knight's footsteps drew nearer. 

       "Maybe you want to worry about that when we're not in the middle of trying to, i don't know, ESCAPE!" I whispered threateningly. He just snickered, getting out and turning to offer me a hand. 

       "Escape? Baby, we're just playing a little game of cat and mouse is all." He winked, flashing me a cocky grin as I took his hand and crawled through. I fell into his chest with a huff, standing up to dust myself off. As I was about to give him a piece of my mind, a guard rounded the corner and pointed at Richie. 

       "YOU THERE! HALT!" He shouted, the rest of his gang rushing in behind him. They took stance, scanning the area for a sparkly princess. I smirked, pulling my hood up as they prepared for whatever the infamous thug had planned. 

       "Man, I was hoping I could show you my muscles later," Richie complained, pulling up his sleeves as he bent down, glancing back at me before continuing, "looks like you'll be getting a preview." He licked his lips, grabbing a few rocks that were scattered on the ground. He reeled back before sending one towards a knight. We watched in amazement as it clanked against their helmet, making it spin around. The knight stumbled about, not being able to see, and knocked into his mates. 

      "Richie, Richie's princess, run! Eddie and I can hold them off!" Beverly shouted, throwing rocks herself, "I know what you're thinking, Richie, we'll be fine! Now go! GO!!" She winced, watching as her rock landed between one of their legs.

       Richie shook his head, grasping my hand once more to take off into the night, "We'll be back for you!!" He glanced back at me before running into another alley way, this time it was even narrower than the first. 

       "ROCK WAR!!!" We heard Eddie shout, making Richie shake his head as we slowed down. 

      "Little bitch stole my line." He muttered, turning a corner so that we were back in the shops center. 

       We glanced around, noticing flyers decorated every possible space. Richie approached one, ripping it off as he gazed, puzzled at the sight. His face was on the center, it had been a wanted ad sent by the king himself. Figures. 

      "My eyes aren't that big!" Richie fought, looking up at me for help, "Are they?" He glanced between my eyes, his lips parted slightly before he turned back to the paper, running his finger over the ink. 

       I shrugged, opening my mouth to respond before another round of "THERE HE IS!" rung out in the crowd. Richie took my hand and turned down a hidden alley way, hiding as the flock of knights passed. It was only when we were in the clear that I noticed our chests were pressed against one another, our breathing ragged as we attempted to calm ourselves down. I shuddered, making Richie turn his head to place a hand over my mouth.

       "Why?" He whispered, pulling his hand away to study my face. I paused, not quite sure what he was getting at. "Why did you agree to come with me? You could have anything you ever wanted being a princess, so why?" He searched my eyes, as if they would convey the answer he was looking for. 

       "Because I couldn't have everything I wanted," I bit my lip, watching his eyebrows lock together, "I couldn't have you." I finally whispered, watching his face contort into shock. Before he could manage to say anything, I spun around, this time grabbing his hand and leading him away. 

      "Come on, you said so yourself, we need to get out of this wretched kingdom." 

Sorry i keep dragging this on but I didn't really know what else to put, what would you like to see happen in this?????? Let me know pls I beg of you PLS

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