Sunkissed Mornings | Stanley Uris

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Summary: Stan and reader have a lazy day :)

Sunlight seeped through the silk curtains, offering a dim light to the once dark room. Dust particles danced around, landing on the various open books that laid astray by the rickety wooden bed frame. White sheets melted down the side of the bed, dripping onto the wooden panels beneath them. A calmness coated the room, nothing could be heard except the sound of light breathing, chests rising and falling as they pressed together so desperately, as if space couldn't possibly exist.
Stan nuzzled his nose against Y/n's cheek, sighing with content as she giggled, pulling her head away in an attempt to itch the tickle away. He grabbed her by the waist and pulled her close once again, pressing a chaste kiss to her collar bone.
"We have to get up, sleepy head." Y/n chuckled, running her hands through Stan's curly locks.
Stan groaned, shifting so that his legs intertwined with hers. He mumbled something into her neck, earning another giggle and shove from her.
"You have to stop doing that." Stan spoke, his voice hoarse from lack of speaking. He blinked a few times, ridding his eyes of blurriness so he could focus on her face more.
Y/n tilted her head, a confused expression on her face, "Stop doing what?" She asked, causing Stan to smirk.
"Laughing so cutely, it makes me want to kiss you even more." Stan trapped her face between her hands while laughing, pulling her close to plant a goofy kiss upon her lips.
They laughed into the kiss, smiling as they tried not to clash teeth. Their laughter slowly died down as they're minds dogged by the sensation of their lips against each other's. Stan's grip tightened on her waist, a soft sigh escaping as he slowly pulled away. A few seconds passed before their eyes fluttered open, gazing at each other with such intensity, they couldn't help but pull each other close yet again, locking their lips tight together.
Y/n traced Stan's jaw line before rubbing her thumb on his cheek, smiling as she earned a soft hum from him. Stan pulled away, gazing down at her lips as she traced his.
"I love you, Y/n." He whispered, leaning in close to rest his forehead against hers.
The curtains swayed, picking up speed to match the girls rapid heartbeat. They have yet to speak such words to each other, and right now, in the privacy of the room, she couldn't help but feel that this was the perfect time to exchange such vows.
"I love you, Stanley Uris, forever and always."

ok wow i'm actually sobbing this is some adorable stuff right here 🥺🥺

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