Ink | Bill Denbrough

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Soulmate AU! 

a/n: this is kinda short and not as exciting as the last fic but it's our dearest Billy boy! Oh and also y'all are adults in this, I'll write for kid Bill next! Also don't mind the Harry Styles pic I'm writing on my computer and don't have much images teehee

Warnings: cursing I think ?? I

       I sighed, bringing my knees closer to my chest as the beating drums of the rain created a rhythm against my classroom window. The desks were empty, all except mine, which had various paperwork spread about, along with the occasional wandering pen. I pinched the bridge of my nose as I felt the familiar tingling sensation on my forearm.

       It amazes me how my soulmate could be so incredibly stupid, they hadn't thought to buy a damn notebook, but instead, uses their arm to write every little thing they see down. It was embarrassing, being in the middle of teaching a lesson and having a student point to your arm, which had invented profanities scribbled all over. It was as if their main purpose was to intervene in my daily life and make it the most unpleasant. 

       Today, I had enough, and the weight of it all crashed upon my shoulders in an instant, and I was left to cry in the dimly lit classroom. Whatever, I'm supposed to be headed to the library to return the pile of books I borrowed for research purposes. I can't dwell on someone who doesn't appear to do the same for me. 

      Standing, I gathered my belongings and locked everything up, offering polite goodbyes to the janitors as they began cleaning the halls. I pushed through the doors and as quickly as I could, I fled down the block, hoping to get to the dry shelter of the library as soon as possible. Finally, through the pouring rain, I made out the shape of the buildings doors and entered, breathing a sigh of relief. I offered the librarian a shy smile, placing the books on her desk with a thud. She simply smirked, scanning them into the system. 

       "You know, you should look into this new book, there's a little tease reading in the front." She informed, glancing up at me through her thick glasses. I nodded, not one to argue much, unless you were a stubborn student refusing to work, then oh boy oh BOY will I-

       "And despite the drizzling tears from god, the twins found themselves in an everlasting bubble of joy, for the monster in their nightmares had been vanished beneath the sun." A voice spoke clearly, followed by a bit of applause. I approached the source, not believing my ears. Sure enough, with a quick glance down at my arm, those words were inscribed in blue ink. 

      "You!" I pointed at the reader, shock evident on my face, "Where did you get that from?" He gaped, unable to offer an explanation for a moment before clearing his throat. 

      "I wrote it..why? Is something wrong with my craftsman ship? Perhaps the choice of words? It's my first novel so I'm not sure if-"

       "Have you ever considered buying a notebook?! Or perhaps any sort of available paper? The amount of long sleeves I own because of the bloody BIBLE you wrote on your arm I cannot even FATHOM-" I was just starting when a hand reached out, stunning me. The man, who now wore a brilliant smile, pulled me into a gentle, yet strong hold. 

       "I-It's you...I-I can't believe it's really you.." He breathed, nuzzling his nose into my neck as he let out a cheery laugh, "Oh the amount of times I wrote about you...but your beauty could never amount to the imagery I" He finally pulled away, seemingly embarrassed as he had just caught himself. "I'm sorry I- Well...I'm Bill, you are?" 

      I paused for a moment, glancing between him and the floor, "I'm Y/n, and normally I'd offer to buy you a coffee, but might I suggest I take you out to buy you a journal?" 

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