They're Popular 🤡

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a/n: i take my anxiety meds with chocolate milk to feel like a god
Summary: basically they're popular and you're not teehee also i kinda went ham on Richie's ngl sorry bout that

• ah the losers club, ironic since none of them were really losers
• Bill was sort of the leader of the group, meaning most girls wanted to get in his pants
• you were sadly, one of the many girls who harbored a crush for the boy
• basically it was impossible to gain his attention
• especially since he likes Beverly (or that's what the rumors were anyways)
• so that being said, you weren't avidly seeking him out, just sort of admiring him from afar
• until one day, you were forced to admire him up close
• "...and that leaves Bill and Y/n, partner up!"
• oh boy, a chemistry project with your crush! how fitting :D
• you slowly made your way over to him, not quite eager to embarrass yourself
• he actually looked quite flustered, nervously scratching at his paper with his pencil until it ultimately broke
• "I have a pencil if you need one."
• "O-oh, I-I-uh...s-sure."
• he offered you a sheepish smile as you handed him a pencil and quickly got to work
• surprisingly, he did his fair share and didn't offer to pay you to do everything
• "U-um...this saturday is the spring fling...are-are you g-going?" -Bill as he scratched his neck at max speed
• "Eh, I don't know, I'd kind of be alone."
• "W-well, I was thi-thinking we could g-g-go together...?"
• to say you were confused would be an understatement :|
• "Wha- you're asking me?? But why...?"
• Bill quickly explained that you guys share a lot of classes, and that you quickly gained his attention
• he was blushing profusely the whole time, not making eye contact whatsoever
• aww he's so precious
• "Sure, Bill, I'd love to."

• holy cow
• ok out of all the Losers, this man was the most intimidating
• he was constantly serving looks
• you honestly thought he hated you, even though you guys rarely talk
• you just HAPPEN to be seated next to him in french class
• "Hey, you, you're good at french, how do you say this?"
• "Oh-um, tu es très belle..."
• which translates to "You are very beautiful"
• it took you a second to process it in your head, but once you realized what it meant you were RED
• "Stan that's...thats not in the textbook where did you get that??"
• now it was Stan's turn to blush O.O
• "I may have lied...I speak french fluently."

• he's the school's pervert
• he's practically dated all of the girls in your grade,, EXCEPT YOU
• "Lookin' good today Kate!" 😎👉
• "My name is Stephanie..."
• he's not the smoothest but he tries
• it took a whole MONTH for him to notice you, in fact, it wasn't until the school dance
• "Oh my god...who is that BABE???"
• immediately dropped every single living creature to chase after you
• you, however, were not impressed
• "Girllllll, you should sell hot dogs for a living cuz you really know how to make a wiener stand." *finger guns*
• "I'm allergic."
• "TO HOT DOGS?????"
• eventually Eddie had to sit him down and teach him some MANNERS because clearly the Tozier charm was not working
• "Richie-Richie no put the sunglasses down chicks don't dig them it isn't the 50s anymore jesus christ-"
• it was a long, hard process, but it eventually paid off
• one day, during lunch, you were just chilling with your friends when a quiet Richie comes up to you with flowers
• "Um-uh- Date, will you go on a Y/n with me? OH MY FU-I mean hecking-GOD!!"
• he threw the notecards down and stomped off, leaving you utterly confused
• you read the notecards, which were FULL of appropriate ways to ask out a girl, brought to you by Eddie Spaghetti
• that, you found flattering, because it seems that he's actually putting effort into it and not just trying to get into your pants
• so you find him in the hallway, pacing back and forth while Eddie is trying to convince him it wasn't THAT bad
• "Dude stop fucking pacing it wasn't that bad I swear to-oh-okay maybe it was that bad um-i-i gotta go-"
• Eddie ran back into the cafeteria after he saw you, flashing a nervous smile
• "Hey, Richie, um, you forgot these."
• you pulled out the notecards and handed them over, smiling as he nervously took them in his hands
• "Listen, Y/n, I'm really sorry-"
• "So when's this date?"
• "..."
• "I'm sorry WHAT?"
• for once Richie is speechless ?? he was not expecting those words to come out of your mouth
• but once it settled in, he quickly broke out into a dance, fist bumping in victory
• "YESSS!! Oh Y/n you will not regret this!"
• "Yeah well, I'm starting to."
• "What babe no-"
• he's trying his best he promises :(

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