Trash Thug pt.5 | Richie Tozier

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a/n: y'all hmu with who you want in a cool fic next and I'll deliver B-) ps I totally imagined George Michael as the prince oopsies

WARNINGS: cursing, and asshole fiance ?? is that even a warning ? idek

       As swift as a mighty wave crashing upon shore, a month had passed and my 18th birthday was due. A princess' duty is one of which no independent woman shall look forward to, as she if forced to wed a lucky prince from a distant land. I had no interest in whomever my father chose, for I knew that when the time came, I would leave this place with Richie by my side, no matter the consequence, even if it meant giving up a privileged life. 

      "My dear, you look absolutely divine today, by any chance have you met Prince George?" My father spoke up, looking at my small frame which had been brought by three guards. I gritted my teeth, prepared to voice my humble opinion, but I was forced to remain silent, as the guard to my left tightened his grip. 

      "It's no use fighting, princess, you know well that we still hold him captive down below." The guard urged, letting go only to shove me forward so my father could take my hands. I bit the inside of my cheek, preventing myself from muttering profanities into my father's ear. 

      "Please, allow me introduce to you my daughter, Y/n L/n, heir of the royal Derry throne!" The king smiled, quite happy with himself as Prince George took my hand, peppering kisses to my knuckles with a sly smirk. 

      "Such a beaut i say, do tell me, is this daughter of yours....eighteen yet?" The prince reeled back, placing his arms behind his back as if he were a butler. My father nodded profusely, clasping his hands together in delight as I watched in horror. 

       "Oh yes! Just turned past Tuesday, may I ask...are you suggesting what i think?" My father smiled, eyeing the prince with hope. 

       Honestly, I'd rather marry Pennywise, at least he doesn't go heavy on the fake tan. Although, I suppose he does go the opposite. Oh well, anyone but Prince George Michael.

       "I wouldn't dare suggest this to anyone else! Your daughter is the finest specimen I've ever had the pleasure of meeting." The prince flashed me a charming smile, eyeing me up as I stood there rather awkwardly. Please don't tell me THIS is the prince my father chooses... 

      "MAY I HAVE YOUR ATTENTION CIVILIANS OF DERRY, I HAVE FOUND A PROPER SUITOR FOR MY DAUGHTER, YOUR FUTURE QUEEN, Y/N!" My father boasted about from the top of the castle stairs, the hundreds of people below breaking out into a cheer as Prince George and I waved at them. The prince leaned to the side, just close enough to whisper into my ear;

       "I know you're close to the trash thug who stole the rare diamond, you will give it to me, or my first order as king shall be to execute all prisoners." He smirked, pulling away to walk forward, next to my dad. My mouth hung open, shocked at the information just poured to me. He can't do that! Can he? 

       Over the course of two weeks, it had been spread far and wide that I was to be wedded. Of course George had so desperately tried to locate the diamond, turning cells over and interrogating Richie. It was no use though, after that night, it hadn't been seen, the only person who could possibly know was Richie himself, but he didn't have it on his person. 

      It was the day of the wedding, and I was dressed in a lavish, silk wedding gown that flowed behind me. I hated it, it was impossible to move around in unless a maid or two were there to hold it up for me. George did the honors of planning the whole grand thing, I had no idea what exactly to expect, but then again, i didn't want to imagine any of it. Marrying George was the equivalent to flying yourself straight into the sun, with no purpose and it only would result in death. I sighed, picking up my dress as I stood up from my bed. In my closet, I could see the commoner clothes folded neatly at the bottom. I hadn't touched them since that day, afraid the scent of Richie would leave them. I found myself kneeling before them, carefully picking them up to hug the material close to my cheek. It was then I noticed a lump in the fabric, a rather large and hard lump. I moved back the layers to reveal a hidden pocket, and in that pocket, was the diamond many sought. 

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