Colorful | Stan Uris

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soulmate! au where you can see all of the colors except the color of your soulmates eye's :^)

Warnings: cursing, mentions of injury

lowkey kinda hate this but we're vibing here at 1:30 in the morning

For all her life, Y/n could name all of the colors. She could list them alphabetically, chronologically, backwards, you name it and she'll say it! The only thing is, she could never be able to tell you what one of them looked like.
Oh how she yearned for that color, looking up summaries of the color, writing about the color. Her whole life was that color, yet she's never seen it.
Without a doubt though, every time someone asks, she'll always say her favorite color is brown. No hesitation, no changing her mind.
"I don't have to see it to know it's value. It's the warm cackling fire beneath my hands, the twisted tree trunks upon our land, it's the color of my forever, and i'll never rest until I see its embers."
Somewheres away, lived a boy named Stanley Uris, whose eyes had never witnessed such wonders of e/c. He saw it through others tales, but never for himself. He hoped and prayed for the day he'd meet his soulmate, so then his world could be complete.
Now, at the start of summer, two kids destined to be together, would finally learn what wonders that were kept from them for so long.

"I don't see why we had to move, our house was perfect!" Y/n grumbled, setting down a box with her father in toe.
"Exactly, was." He chuckled, placing his box on top of hers. She glared, not quite in the mood for his games.
"Oh come on, sweetie, Derry is a great town! Why don't you go ride your bike and see for yourself?" Her mom smiled, placing a hand on her back for reassurance. Y/n sighed in defeat, pulling up her hoodie before leaving the house.
"Go outside she says, Derry's nice she says. What a bunch of bull-" Y/n gasped, feeling the front of her bike hit a rock.
She was suddenly launched forward, over a guardrail and tumbling down a rocky hill. Screaming in pain and terror, she continued to roll until she came to an agonizing stop, right into the shallow waters that was a murky stream.
"Well great, not only did I wreck my bike, got lost, AND got injured, I landed in a great big pile of gray yuck!" She groaned in frustration, forcing herself up before limping her way down the stream.
There was no way she was getting back up that hill, so forward was her only option at this point. She winced as she held her side, continuing her journey through this amazing town. What a perfect way to start summer, amiright ladies?
"This would be the perfect place to dump a body." A voice laughed, followed by an annoyed one.
"Richie shut the hell up! You're so not funny." The voice seemed to be getting louder, which meant poor Y/n was venturing closer. Hopefully they weren't creepy cannibals waiting for their next meal because she wasn't so sure she could run in her condition.
"Oh my god what the hell is that, IS THAT A ZOMBIE OH MY GOD-"
"Eddie calm down I think it's a person and they're hurt!" A third voice sounded out, and Y/n just huffed, pouting at the boys.
"Holy shit what happened to you are you okay?!?" The sound of running feet and splashing water made Y/n inhale sharply. She felt her hoodie fall down, but her eyes locked with another's.
One of the boys who were running came to a screeching halt, shock clear on his face. Y/n felt her eyes go dim before the color she longed for flourished around her. The once gray logs were now a magnificent shade of brown, and oh my did she love the sight.
"Bitch..." Richie muttered, earning an elbow to the rib from Eddie.
Stan stumbled forward, clasping his hands in hers as tears brimmed his eyes, hers rolling down her cheeks. He smiled, leaning forward to touch her face, rubbing his thumb against the soft blush that now overtook it.
"Sorry you're first impression of me is full of dirt and blood." She awkwardly chuckled, watching as Stan's eyes never faltered. With one last glance, he pulled her into a gentle and warm hug. The rest of the Loser's stood around, astonished that their friend had found his soulmate in such weird circumstances.
"I don't care if I met you during a funeral, this is the best day of my life!" Stan cheered, blinking as the tears now freely fell from his eyes.
Y/n choked on a laugh as she cried. Maybe it's the possible concussion, but she's pretty sure she's ready to marry this fool on SIGHT. Eddie coughed, awkwardly glancing between us.
"Yeah this is great and all but um- you're injured and in need of serious MEDICAL ATTENTION so if Stanley Uris could keep it in his pants that would be MUCH appreciated." Eddie spit out, groaning when Stan simply flipped him off.
"Oof, Doctor Edward are you alright?!" Richie turned to Stan, pointing an accusing finger, "You bastard, he didn't attend four years of medical school for this clownery!" He let out a fake sob, dabbing away his "tears" with the collar of his shirt. Eddie just rolled his eyes, yanking him back.
"Real fuckin funny, you won't be laughing when it's your ass that's injured." Eddie fired, crossing his arms as Richie adjusted his glasses.
"Actually it is, I think it's broken you see there's this crack and-"
"I found my soulmate and you guys are really arguing over medical stuff and asses?" Stanley pulled away from the hug to eye the pair. Eddie gulped while Richie smirked, proud of himself for whatever reason.
"Seeing as you guys are asses I have to joke about them."
"Yikes tough crowd."

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