Honey Skies | Stanley Urine

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a/n: not me crying over Stan the freaking man

WARNINGS: for like the first time ever...no...

Summary: Stan my man just needs some love please give him some

The song used in this is called Line Without a Hook by Rick Montgomery!!

The curtains fluttered as a warm breeze settled in the room, engulfing the sheets that were shoved as far away from the two teenagers as possible. A faint smell of honey and green tea clung to the air as swirling smoke rose from the cup Stan had long forgotten, the warm liquid out of his reach now as he clung to his lover as if his life depended on it.

Wrapped in pure ecstasy and thin cotton shorts, Stanley had buried his head into Y/n's chest, the soft lull of her heart beating keeping the tears that pricked his eyes at bay. It was quiet for once. Peaceful. If he hadn't known any better, the boy would say he had passed and somehow entered what could only be described as Heaven. With an angel's arms encasing him in a bubble, where nothing bad nor dirty could reach him. He was safe, my god he was safe.

Y/n slowly ran her fingers through curled locks, a forgotten melody beginning to rumble in her chest as she hummed sleepily. She had long since forgotten the time, only briefly glancing out her window to see the sun settle between a nestle of clouds. The sky was a brilliant shade of orangey yellow, like liquid gold dripping off of a canvas. It was beautiful. It was Stanley.

"Oh baby I am a wreck when I'm without you, I need you here to stay." Whispers fell from the girls lips, her attention being brought back to him who had not moved a muscle until her singing began. Stan found himself nuzzling into her more and more, soft lyrics of his own coming about as the sun retreated.

"She's a she's a lady and I am just a line without a hook." Stanley whispered back, tears long forgotten as a warm smile spread across his cheeks. He didn't have to look back to know that his love was smiling along with him.

Of course Stanley was right, Y/n was wearing a picturesque smile, a happy pink dusting her cheeks as her fingers stopped to twirl a random strand. She leaned down as best she could and pressed a sweet kiss to his head, giving him a hum of appreciation. She knew singing wasn't his favorite, so she was always thankful for his random duets.

Before long the golden color had been drained from sky and a deep blue had replaced it along with twinkling stars, shining bright above. Y/n had since then fallen asleep, her hand still tucked neatly in Stan's hair while the other was draped loosely around his torso. Stan still remained awake but barely, slowly blinking as his mind pushed to keep singing for her.

"Oh baby I am a wreck when I'm without you, I need you here to stay."

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