You're Oblivious 🤡

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summary: basically you're oblivious and tend to be invasive ;0


• ok so you aren't necessarily DUMB per say,, but you weren't the brightest bulb in the pack
• everyone could see how infatuated Bill was with you, yet you never even batted an eye ??
• Losers were very annoyed, even Richie was getting sick of this shit
• you guys would be hanging out at the quarry, and Bill would say something you couldn't quite understand, so you'd lean in closer
• homeboy nearly LOST IT
• the others watched as you proceeded to ask him what he said, as if you weren't centimeters away from his face
• from then on they knew they had to do something, Bill needed help before his head exploded
• eventually they sat you down (minus Bill because he did NOT want to be involved) and talked to you about it
• "Y/n you do know that um...Bill likes you right?"
• you were SHOCKED
• honestly you thought he had the hots for Bev not gonna lie here
• you just thought he was always this nervous, never in a million years would you think you were the cause
• so FINALLY after the little chat, you made the first move
• by squishing his cheeks together and laughing about how cute of a boyfriend he was
• "I-I-I b-be-beg y-your p-p-pa-pardon-on?"
• "Bill I like you, therefore we are going on a date and i am not taking no for an answer."

• Stan was fed up with everyone's bs
• the Losers kept teasing him about how you could never catch the hints he leaves and how many times he's failed to ask you out
• in his defense you were quite the uh,, character
• he doesn't think he's ever met anyone as oblivious to their surroundings as you
• one time he tried giving you flowers and you gave them to a girl in your history class you thought he liked
• "Here, Y/n, these are for-"
• "Aww these are Beth's favorite flowers! You're such a charmer, Stan."
• spent a week trying to get Beth off his ass
• after that he just sort of gave up, it was only then that you realized you might have read that wrong
• so you went to his house to apologize with flowers
• when he opened the door he was shOOk
• "Y/n what are you-"
• "The flowers were for Bill i am SO SORRY FOR RUINING YOUR CHANCE!"
• T-T
• "Interrupt me one more time bitch I dare you."
• finally explained to you how the flowers WEREN'T for Bill and that they were indeed for you
• you didn't understand, your birthday wasn't until next month!
• that's when it dawned on you
• "Stan are you LIKE LIKE ME???"
• cue Stan eyeroll™️
• "Yes, now will you go on a date with me or not?"
• cue dazzling reader smile™️
• "Oh sure! Just let me ask my parents~"
• god you were going to be the death of him

• Richie isn't the most uh, subtle person
• therefore everyone is very concerned as to HOW YOU DO NOT NOTICE HIS ADVANCES
• the yawn arm move, holding hands, the pick up lines, the random hugs, the nicknames, HOW ARE YOU SO BLIND ???
• "Maybe...maybe the signs aren't big enough.."
• Richie then proceeded to hold up a big sign in your front yard that read "GO OUT WITH M3?"
• yeah he wrote the E backwards on accident
• you took it as he wanted to hang, which you were more than happy to do!
• "So are we meeting up with the other Losers or?"
• "WHAT???!!???!"
• Instead of moving on like a normal person, Richie continued to chase after you
• "I'm not a loser like you, Eddie, I ain't givin up PIP PIP CHEERIO BITCH!"
• finally, as the two of you held hands down the hallway, you said something close to a confession
• "Richie, I like holding hands with you."
• "Oh? Why's that doll face?"
• you didn't answer, instead leaned in to kiss him on the cheek
• 😳 <— Richie's face
• "Ed owes me 10 bucks..."

• two oblivious icons
• the both of you SO liked each other, everyone could tell
• except the two of you, of course
• you tried making moves, but chickened out when the opportunity rose
• eventually it was him who started making moves
• "Y/n hold my hand, we could get lost." Yeah uhuh suree
• "It's a good luck hug!!!!" Whatever you say
• "Homies don't kiss homies goodnight? Huh.."
• you didn't mind any of it, in fact you were over the moon
• since Eddie didn't like you back (or so you thought) this was the closest you could get to him!
• it gave you enough courage to finally initiate contact by kissing his nose
• "Sorry, you just looked really cute there.."
• "Eddie get up i'm getting second hand embarrassment." - Richie
• after convincing Eddie he wasn't dead nor dreaming he got up
• he refused to look at you, but he got up
• "Eds what's wrong?" :(
• "Beverly told me to!"
• silence
• "she WHAT!!???"
• honestly tho thank Bev for getting y'all together

• oh my god does your obliviousness make him nervous
• he's not quite sure what to do ??? he's never been in this situation before
• plus he's not one to just blurt out his feelings so he remains on the side lines
• "Y/n Mike got cut on his cheek I need you to take care of him while I go to Ed!"
• a distant "DON'T YOU FUCKING TOUCH ME" can be heard
• you shrugged
• a cut on the cheek? how hard could it be??
• hard when you don't have a chair
• you didn't think twice before sitting on his lap, leg on either side of him as you dotted the remaining drops of blood from his face
• all Mike could do was STARE
• he's never seen your beauty so up close before ?? and it's kinda making him shit his pants ??
• "Um...Y/n?"
• you hummed, too focused on trying to clean the cut to say anything
• he grabbed your wrist, making you halt
• "Y/n I like you..."
• "Say sike rn."
• jk you didn't say that, BUT what you did say was
• "Did you hurt your head too? Aw poor thing." :(
• "..."
• he managed to stop your clouded judgment and confess
• you just placed a bandaid on his face and nodded
• "That's better, now what were you saying?"
• he deadpanned, not believing his ears
• there is no way he just confessed ALL OF THAT only for you to not hear a single god damn word he said-
• you found it hysterical
• he did not.
• "Y/n stop you scared me :("
• "I'm sorry Mike, I know I'm the worst at picking up on things but I really like you! So there."
• "I KNEW IT!!! Stan pay up."
• Richie popped up from a bush, followed by a very unamused Stan, who handed him a crumbled 5 dollar bill
• ah don't you just love friends

• does not tolerate this bullshittery
• pulls out all the stops just to see if you're gay and stupid or just straight and playing dumb
• spoiler alert it's the first one
• "I like your boots."
• you knew it was code for are you gay i like you but you didn't think Bev meant that so you took it as a literal compliment
• "Aw thanks Bev, yours are nice too!"
• Y/n: 1 Bev: 0
• eventually Richie just flat out told her
• "Dude shes gay, is your gaydar broke or something?"
• from then on she's always making sure she's touching you
• pinky holding is a must
• "Beverly, why are we holding pinkies?"
• "I heard it was for good luck!"
• "Hmmm...🤨🤨 okay!"
• groans from Richie
• as y'all approached your house, Bev stopped you by leaning in and kissing you softly
• "Was that for good luck too..?"
• "Just shut up and kiss me."
• I mean...pshhh no complaints here

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