girls like u | Stanley Uris

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A/n: I have senior pictures tomorrow and i'm SO NERVOUS AAA

Summary: Stan turns cold on the reader without warning leaving her in the dark

WARNINGS: cursing, arguing, i think that's it idek :0000

Y/n could sense the trouble brewing. It left horrible anxiety bubbling in the pit of her belly, which twisted and churned at every waking hour. It had been building up for the past week and like a wave it was eventually due to crash ashore. Her brain forced her to relive every waking moment, turning over the memories to examine for any wrong doing she could have possibly done. What could have made Stanley so upset that he couldn't even make eye contact with her for more than two seconds? They went from the sickeningly cute couple to strangers in a matter of days. Slowly drifting apart until no words were spoken between the two, just silent stares that held all the emotion they needed to convey, but refused to make contact with. She paced back and forth in her room, her hands shaking at her sides as she attempted not to pick and bite at her nails. Approaching her window, she took a seat on the soft cushion Stanley built for her just a month prior and gazed. Just a few feet away was the window to Stan's room. The light was on and he was hunched over at his desk, it looked as though he was writing.

Probably a breakup note. Y/n bitterly thought, tears rushing to her eyes as she hurriedly glanced away, wiping them away before he could get the chance to see. Not that he was looking anyway. Why would he? He couldn't stand to be near her anymore. Her shoulders slumped as she forced herself to stand. She shuffled to her light switch and gave one last good wipe to her cheeks before switching it off and crawling under her covers. Maybe she could remember where she went wrong in a dream.

The next day Stan was in the hallways, walking with all the guy losers. Bill was attempting to make light conversation, which Mike and Ben whole heartedly backed up as they hated drama. Eddie wasn't even paying attention as he scanned the halls for any potential coughers. "It's flu season man! I'm not taking any chances!" He once told Richie. Speaking of the devil.

"Hey Stan, what's up with you and (insert horrible nickname here)? Finally saw that itty bitty willy of yours and got scared off?" Richie snickered, smirking at the poor boy who's face flushed at the thought of his girlfriend. If he could even call her that at this point.

Bill, Mike, and Ben all stopped their conversation, breaths caught in their throats as they waited for the inevitable argument. Stan opened his mouth, hesitating, before closing it. Richie raised an eyebrow at this, waiting for a response.

       "Richie nothing is happening. Mind your own business." Stan glanced at him briefly, then looked straight ahead, completely missing his girlfriend who stood along the side, a hurt expression on her face as his words sunk in.

       Nothing. He said nothing is happening. Does he really not care about me that much to not even noticing it's been weeks since we've last held a real conversation? Am I nothing to him?

      Thoughts like these ran rapid in Y/n's mind, and before she knew it her feet carried her away. She stumbled down the hallway which earned weird stares but she couldn't see through the on coming tears. Beverly raised her hand to wave, but immediately dropped it to her side as she noticed her best friend's state. Thus began the chase.

       "Y/N WAIT!" Beverly called, reaching her hand out to try and grab onto something, anything that would make her stop. Stanley and the boys stopped cold, hearing the commotion behind them and whispers around them.

       "Who is that?" "She looks like she got hit by a bus lol." "Damn what rapper died now?" "Hey isn't that Y/n?"

       Stan couldn't listen to them all, too busy screaming at himself to turn around. When he did, he was met with the most heart breaking sight. Y/n had turned around after being successfully yanked by Beverly, tears rushing down her red cheeks and meeting the lips Stanley once kissed. He cursed himself for being so stupid. What was wrong with him? He let you slip between his fingers so easily. Now you probably hated him.

       "Y/n..." Beverly breathed, bringing said girl to her arms as she let out a painful cry, "Come on let's go somewhere." Beverly whispered, kissing the top of her friends head in an effort to calm her down. Y/n frantically nodded, sensing the eyes of others trained on her. She knew she was making a scene and that it would probably be talked about for the next week until they find new drama to talk about.

       Beverly brought her outside and towards the side of the building so that no one could see them. She let Y/n control her sobs until there were just quiet sniffles left in the wake. Y/n slid down the wall and brought her knees to her chest, feeling Beverly do the same she leaned her head on her shoulder.

       "Stan has been ignoring me lately...I don't even know why or what I did. Even Richie noticed but he said it was nothing. Am I nothing now Beverly?" Her voice cracked as she felt her eyes brim with tears. She took the edge of her sleeve and wiped her face before they could fall. The last thing she wanted was to start crying again.

       "Y/n no, you did nothing wrong sweetheart! Guys are just stupid, trust me, he'll come around, and when he does you WHACK HIM IN THE FACE!!" Beverly raised her palm, pretending to hit Stanley right across the cheek. Upon seeing and unimpressed Y/n, she lowered her hand with a sheepish smile, "Or just have a civilized conversation with him, that works too haha..." Beverly scratched the back of her neck, chuckling quietly to fill the tense air.

       "I do deserve a good slap." Stanley muttered, drawing the attention of the two girls sitting nearby. He had been awkwardly standing there for quite some time now, but seeing as he know...awkward, he didn't say anything until now. Y/n's eyes widened in both surprise and horror, knowing deep down he had heard their conversation. Great, he's here to break up with her after he watched her embarrass herself. How lovely.

       "I have a bathroom to smoke in, later losers!" Beverly quickly got up, shooting an encouraging smile at Y/n before disappearing around the corner.

       Stanley took this opportunity to take Beverly's spot, his hand finding Y/n's to give it an apologetic squeeze. "Listen, I know what I did was childish and idiotic. I shouldn't have handled this like I did, I just get so scared you know? I've never been in a relationship with someone I truly care about and I'm always worried one day you'll wake up a realize i'm not nearly as good enough as you deserve. Girls like you don't go for the guys like me. Guys like me end up alone forever because they're stupid and ignore their girlfriend thinking that she'll break up with him any time soon. Girls like you do better than guys like me. Girls like you-"

       "Stanley," Y/n whispered, bringing his hand up to her lips to press a small kiss to his knuckles, "I don't care about girls like me. I'm not like that. I don't date someone for their looks or for their money or for their popularity. I am dating you because you're YOU! Because I fell in love with YOU! A bird loving, curly headed jew who seriously cannot keep his hands to himself when we cuddle-"

       "Okay I get it thank you for that, jeez." Stanley smiled, chuckling to himself as he gazed at Y/n, "You are so beautiful. I'm really sorry that I've been, what Richie would call it, dick wad. I guess i'm not used to someone who loves me back." Stanley's gaze fell to his lap, suddenly feeling extremely shy. Y/n took the opportunity to place her head in his lap to connect their eyes once more.

        "Stan, I'm not mad at you. Sure i'm a little hurt, I seriously thought you were breaking up with me," Y/n pouted, making Stanley smile and laugh a little, "hey! Not cool man I'm trying to have a moment here." She giggled as well, bringing Stan's head down to meet him in a sweet kiss.

       "I'm glad you aren't mad at me. That would suck." Stan whispered, chuckling as Y/n pressed their foreheads together before pinching his cheek.

       "You know what would really suck? If we skipped school to go bird watching." Y/n smirked, feeling Stan start to get up. Once they were stood Stan grabbed her hand and started leading her away from the building.

       "Oh yeah that would totally suck. Especially if we also got ice cream afterwards." Stan looked back to smile softly at Y/n, a small wink accompanying it.

       "You know the way to my heart, Stan the man."

       "Never call me that again or I'm breaking up with you."


       "Too soon?"

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