Study | Stan Uris

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I have like 5 Stan Uris fics that i haven't finished because I've developed a hatred for them all.

       The library was practically empty. The only thing heard was the sound of a page turning once every five minutes. Tables were clear, chairs were tucked in neatly. All except, for the two tables, sat across the room from each other.
       At one table, sat a girl. She had a stack of book a mile high to her left, and pencils scattered around her. Her notebook lay open, various scribbles within it as she jotted notes down for her class. The end of her pencil was stuck between her lips as she subconsciously twisted it side to side, not once glancing up from her textbook.
       On the other side of the room was a boy, Stanley Uris, who was desperately trying to study, but was utterly failing. He sighed, leaning back in his chair as he rubbed his tired eyes. If he wanted to pass this upcoming chemistry test, he was going to need a miracle. The chemistry book sat open, taunting him as it displayed various equations Stan had no idea how to use. He nearly gave up hope, until his eyes flickered forward, and a very focused girl came into view.
       Her name was Y/n L/n, one of Derry's finest students. Some say she was way younger than the others in her grade, saying she skipped ahead grades, but Stanley knew she was merely sixteen, not a grade ahead of anyone. He furrowed his eyebrows, watching her as she continued writing things down on the sheets of paper on the table. Pondering, he too chewed on the end of his pencil.
       Perhaps...he could ask her for help? "What a silly idea," he thought, "she has better things to do." Was what he concluded, but upon glancing back down at his paper, he knew he needed your help, surely you wouldn't mind, right?"
       With little confidence he stood, pushing the chair back. It seemed, this had caught Y/n's attention, and she glanced up at the flustered boy. After a soft smile and wave, she focused her attention back to her book, not giving Stan another thought as she used her pencil more.
       However, it wasn't like she was actually writing anything important down. In fact, she was busy doodling Stan all over the paper she needed to use for homework. Yes, you heard that right. The brilliant Y/n was distracted by a boy, although she didn't really show it, she was entranced by everything he did, so when he came to her table asking for help, she didn't hesitate to say yes.
       Stanley sat down, fidgeting a little with his hands as he watched her hurriedly shut her notebook, a bit of red hue dusting her cheeks. He pulled out his retched textbook, plopping it down on the table with annoyance.
       "I need to pass this test, or my grade will go down to a D, my dad would be livid." Stan admitted sheepishly, rubbing the back of his neck as if that could cut the tension.
       Y/n smiled softly, grabbing the book and turning to the page he was last on, curiously reading the questions. She nodded, giving a small hum of acknowledgement.
       Stan was in luck, as Chemistry was one of her best classes. She gives all the credit to the amazing teacher though, but everyone knows she's just as talented.
       "I see, so you're calculating electronic configuration. Hmm," She tapped her chin with her pencil, biting her lip as she thought back to her previous lesson in class, "well let's start by drawing an arrow diagram, that might help you to read it better."
       An hour later, she had Stan using her arrow diagram, watching as he traced his finger along her highlighted periodic table. He nodded, scribbling the answer down shortly after.
       Y/n applauded him for such good work, gazing over it to check his answers. Sure enough they were all correct, and a sense of pride, and sadness washed over her.
       Of course she was happy she helped him, but she was also sad because that meant he would leave, and he'd most likely never speak to her again.
       "Th-thanks again, Y/n, you didn't have to do that." Stan smiled, softly blushing as he heard Y/n's joyous laugh. She shook her head while smiling, looking at him with such intense happiness, he thought he'd melt right there.
       "I only did it because you're cute!" Y/n handed him his textbook back, her laughter slowing down, "I suppose you have to go home now though, correct?" She tilted her head slightly, feeling a blush creep up her neck.
       His eyes widened in surprise, not quite sure what she meant by her reasoning, " No! I mean...I'm not really doing anything so..Unless you are! Then I'll leave..." Stan silently cursed himself for being so nervous. He practically acted like Bill back there, she's totally going to push him away from the table.
       Y/n sighed sadly, putting her belongings in her bag, "Actually, I should be going home, my mom will have an aneurysm," She rolled her eyes, sheepishly smiling, "but we should hang out more, Stanley, you're quite fun!"
       Stan blushed, not noticing the notebook that was trapped under his textbook as she slung her bag over her shoulder. He nodded, smiling gratefully as he bid her farewell, watching her walk out of the side doors.
       "Oh my god.." Stan spoke, letting out a breath he didn't know he was holding.
       Sighing, he pulled his bag up to his lap and began putting things away, pausing once his textbook was in his bag.
       "Now I KNOW I don't own a George Micheal notebook." Stan gulped, picking it up and seeing a small Y/n L/n written in the corner, "She wouldn't mind if I..took a peak right? I mean it's only home..." He flipped a few pages, seeing various sketches of him, and more importantly, one of him with a few hearts, ""


       "Holy shi-"

Should I do a part 2 >:) We shall see

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