Wedding 🤡

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a/n: i have "careless whisper" stuck in my head so i'm very content rn. Also yes, i did buy the flame shirt for 420 bells MWAHAHAH
summary: basically what they're like during the whole thing :0

• is a gigantic mess at first
• seriously before the ceremony he's crying to his groomsman because he's afraid something bad will happen
• it becomes so bad he gets his stutter back
• "Sh-sh-she-she's n-n-no-not g-going-ing t-to sa-say ye-y-yes!"
• Stan, the best man, is trying his best (ahahah best) to calm Bill down but nothing is working
• so all the groomsman leave and you're called in to calm him down
• who cares if it's bad luck? your man needs you right now and you're not gonna let some tradition get in the way
• so you walk in and he thinks your Stan, doesn't even look up my dude
• not until you kneel down and wrap your arms around him
• "Bill honey, it's okay, i'm right here, I'm not going anywhere."
• oh my god you're so beautiful and he just ??
• immediately stops crying because you're an angel and he's blown away
• "Y/''re breathtaking..."
• eventually the ceremony starts and you begin your walk down the isle
• he's trying so hard not to cry rn omg
• once you finally get through it and it's time to kiss he is so SOFT
• he's caressing your face as if you're the most fragile thing he's ever held
• definitely goes in for another kiss
• "RiChiE ShUt uP mAn-"

• tbh he didn't think he'd get this far
• was so shook when you agreed to marry him?? and you haven't called it off yet ?? tf ???
• he's a bit jittery but not as bad as Bill
• he's more worried about him screwing up in front of everyone on your special day
• "Bill is my tie crooked? I feel like it looks crooked. It's definitely crooked oh my god-"
• literally checks himself out 5000x in the mirror to make sure he looks good
• you'd think he was the bride but nope he's the groom
• when it comes time to stand up there he's literally shaking
• *wipes hand sweat on pants* "Hot it's pretty man in here huh? Shit-"
• when the doors open and you're revealed, he suddenly stops shaking and sweating (a miracle)
• it feels like it's only the two of you, and suddenly he's crying ??
• he does that sob where he rubs his eyes and covers his mouth in disbelief
• god how did he land such a gorgeous angel
• he actually makes it through without messing up! Which he totally thanks you for btw
• when it's time to kiss he smiles, leaning his forehead against yours and whispers "I love you" before kissing you :((((
• guys i'm cryinf guys I'M NEVER GONNA DANCE AGAIN-
• marrying Stan is def on my bucket list teehee

• "What flavor is the cake?"
• "How big is it? As fat as my ass?"
• "How long does a wedding take i'm hungryyyy!"
• for Richie,,, it doesn't really settle in until you're walking down the isle
• it all doesn't feel real, which is mainly why he's able to act so calm and collected
• "You think she'd get mad at me if I make a fart joke during our reception?"
• he was about to pester Eddie, his bestman, with another horrible question before the doors open and there you were
• suddenly Richie stops talking, he's completely speechless for once in his life
• definitely mutters a "fuck" under his breath
• Eddie nudged him for that
• "You're so...what the fuck.."
• ignores the disapproving glares from the elders ahahaha
• "You may now kiss-"
• Richie totally cuts him off by dramatically dipping you, giving you a big old smooch
• so smooth

• crying before
• crying during
• crying after
• i think he cried while sleeping tbfh
• "I just love her so much.."
• "Eddie we know you said it about 5 fucking hundred times."
• as soon as he sees you he starts crying harder (if that's even possible)
• you actually have to take a moment to calm him down because he started hyperventilating
• after the i do's and vows he's like "oh fvck gotta blast"
• he's so worried he's going to screw this kiss up and embarrass you in front of everyone
• you just gently take his hands in yours, smile up at him warmly, and tell him to relax, and that everything is okay
• and it works because he grabbed your waist and pulled you into that passionate kiss man
• Richie definitely whistles
• "Shut the fuck up Richie!"

• he's literally so happy
• like so so happy
• he's a bit nervous, but honestly he's just sitting there smiling his ass off at nothing
• " okay man? You're kinda freaking us out..."
• "I've never been better man, never been better."
• a few tears do escape when you're walking down the isle
• "You're even more beautiful than I imagined."  is what he tells you as soon as you get up there
• ok ok but hear me out,,, wedding in the library
• when it's time to kiss he gently grabs your sides and smiles, glancing down at your lips before finally pulling you into that sweet sweet kiss
• "I did it, ma, I did it."

• ok so when y'all invited the losers to the wedding, they were NOT expecting to see a fit Ben mmk
• hella shook
• "Why tf would Ben and Y/n invite us to a fitness model's wedding??"
• "Um..Richie...that's because Ben IS the fitness model."
• "Holy shi-"
• Ben is very insecure now that Bill is here
• he's worried you'll choose him like Beverly did, but he knows that's silly and he brushes it off
• he smiles SO big when those doors open and you walk out
• "Y/n it's not too late to back out marry me instead-"
• "Richie shut up, she didn't want you as kids, she definitely doesn't want you now."
• :( poor Richie but I mean,, he did shoot his shot
• you ignore the goof and continue the walk to your future husband, silently crying at how entranced he was with you
• also y'all can't tell me his vows wouldn't make everyone cry
• ok ok now for the kiss
• you surprise him by grabbing his tie and pulling him down to you, earning hoots and hollers from the crowd
• "I love you, Ben,"
• "Now and forever."
• excuse me while I go cry

• the moment we've all been waiting for..
• it's gay wedding day bitches
• she's not really nervous, just anxious to get it over with
• you two decide to both walk in from opposite sides of the room, that way y'all can experience it together
• oh my god does she start crying when she sees you in that gown
• "Oh my god my gay heart.."
• the losers were there, Stan was her maid of honor HAHAAAA
• (other loser) was yours
• when you're told to kiss, you both throw your veils off and pull each other in, earning a "FUCK YEAH THOSE ARE MY MOMS!!" from Richie
• best. wedding. ever.

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