Trash Thug pt.4 | Richie Tozier

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a/n: A BIG SHOUT OUT TO @Hannah_the_writer AND @Sociallyakwardnerd85 FOR THEIR BRILLIANT INPUT !!! These two are gods I tell you

WARNINGS: cursing, violence 

       Here I was, running away from the only life I've ever lived with a man whom I barely know. Crazy how life works like that, one minute you could be on top of the world in a glittering atmosphere, the next surrounded by dust, and the shadows of what once was. 

       I fled down the rocky oath, dodging people left and right as Richie was dragged along behind me. We stumbled upon an intersection, the knights creeping in from every possible entry. The only way left was up, up an impossible rusty ladder that looked as though it could only bear the weight of one of us. Richie sighed, rubbing his hand anxiously down his face as he paced. Then, with swift action, he took hold of me by the waist, and hoisted me above so that I could reach the ladder. I held my eyes shut, praying that it wouldn't snap in two as my feet carried me to the top. 

       "Don't look back princess," Richie spoke, adjusting his hood so that he could pull down his large goggles, "it's about to get ugly up in this bitch." He narrowed his eyes, not once blinking as the knights unsheathed their swords, the metal glinting in the sunlight as it began to fall. 

      "But what if I'm looking for you?" I questioned, peering over the top of the building to watch as he carefully maneuvered around, attempting to figure out their next move. 

       "I must say, I'm flattered," Richie leaped back, dodging the swift blade as it came frightfully fast towards his lower abdomen, "though I'm starting to think your father doesn't like me very much." Acting on impulse, Richie leaned over to punch the knight where the armor ceased, causing him to lose hold of his sword. Wrong move, now Richie has a sharp object. Never give Richie a sharp object. 

       "FRET NOT YOUR MAJESTY! WE WILL RESCUE YOU!!" A knight bellowed, beginning to charge at Richie with all his might. I groaned, gripping the wall of the building as I watched from above. 

       "Oh you bumbling moronic idiots...DO YOU EVER NOT YELL?!" I screamed, watching the man pause as his gaze wandered up to me. 

      "I beg your pardon?-" 

      "AAAAAAAHHH!" Richie ran forward, carrying the sword by his side in an attempt to disarm the distracted fellow. What he wasn't counting on, was for him to turn his body in such a way that the sword ended up impaling his side. 

       "Great, now we're going to be wanted for murder." I mumbled, face palming as the knights ran about in confusion and shock. Richie stood in battle position, his chest rising and falling in a hurry as he panted, trying to catch his breath so he could remain on top. 

       "I didn't kill him! Just...mortally wounded him is all..." He winced, taking long strides backwards until he stood next to the ladder, placing a firm hand on it, "Yeah I think we better leave princess." 

       "Agreed." Richie began climbing, holding the sword by his waist in an effort to keep it. He always did want a sword, but he never imagined getting it like this. I held my hand out to him, helping him as he climbed over the top. He offered me a sheepish smile, wiping a stray hair from his face as he let out a long breath. 

       "Well then, let's get going, shall we?" 

       It took a little less than an hour to get to towns square, the sun now completely set as darkness consumed every corner, the only source of light being various lanterns and candles strew about. We approached the center of what would be the old market, now mainly used to hold festivals and such, like the one being held now. Various streamers of red and white hung from windows and across protruding bricks. A small band of men were in the corner, playing old instruments for the women to dance to. Children laughed as they ran about, screaming in delight as their mothers spun them around on the dance floor. I took a look at Richie, who's expression was now soft. He watched as couples swayed back and forth, holding each other so close, like they were afraid the other would disappear. I took notice of the slight tap his foot gave, and grinned to myself as i took hold of his hands. Walking backwards into the dancing crowd, I flashed him a mischievous smile as he worriedly glanced around him. 

       "Do you know how to dance, Richard?" I softly spoke, coming to a stop and pulling him closer as he gulped visibly. 

       "Well, I, er, not really I suppose, although I do know how to dance in bed if ya know what I..." Richie glanced down as I placed his hands on my hips, beginning to sway to the music as I wrapped my arms around his neck, "mean.." 

       "I took a few lessons, I think that'll get us through a song, don't you think?" I smirked as he nodded his head, unable to form any grammatically correct sentences. We both swayed back and forth, smiling at each other as others twirled around us. It was peaceful, until a big crash tore the crowd apart. I glanced at Richie, who's face had now gone cold. 

      "Never send the sheep to do a wolf's job, am I right...daughter." My father stepped out from the shadows, holding his grand cane. The knights, nearly all of them, came behind him, swords ready. "You're coming back to the castle, this little game of tag is OVER!" 

      Richie pulled me by the waist and into him, my arms instinctively went to his chest as I gazed in horror. There was no way the two of us could get out of this, not with the hundreds of swords at the ready. Richie turned to me, softly looking into my eyes as he cradled my face again, 

       "Pardon me, princess, but I've always wanted to do this." Without another word, he dipped me, catching me by surprise. I went to gasp, but my lips had been sealed with a kiss. It all happened too fast, Richie was pulling me back up while my father yelled in protest. 

       "I SHALL HAVE YOUR HEAD BOY!!" He screamed, crashing his cane against the dirt as the knights shifted into a battle stance. 

       "Then come and get it." Richie challenged, getting into a stance of his own. I rushed in front of him, holding my arms out as I breathed in harshly. Over my dead body shall I have him beheaded. 

       "My sweet Y/n, I didn't take you for the type to lose your sanity for a mere boy." My father spoke, shaking his head in disappointment. I glared, not once faltering as the knights took a step forward. 

       "I didn't either, but here we are." 

       Just as the knights were about to charge, Richie quickly switched spots with me, holding a single hand in the air to make them stop, "STOP!!! I surrender." Richie barked, his voice faltering at the last line. 

      My father smiled, while I shrieked in horror. "No you can't! You can't!" I protested, but the gods had already sealed his fate. The knights held me firmly as they cuffed him, shoving him along as they led him down the path towards the castle. With one last, sorrowful glance, Richie turned his head to the king. 

       "Why give up so easily, trash thug? You never go down without a fight, why are you so calm now?" He practically taunted, but earned no reaction from the boy in question. 

       Richie simply blinked, looking up to the king with a blank expression, "Because the closer I got to her, the more dangerous her life became. She deserves the expensive jewelry, the balls, the lavish designer clothes. She deserves everything I could never give her. She deserves more than a trash thug sir, and if me being locked away is what earns her that, then I will remain behind bars for the rest of my life." 

      And with that...Richie walked away. 

OHOHOHOH I'M SORRY TO END IT THERE BUT I HAD TO MWAHAHAHAHA i'm as evil as the king oh no :0 anyways I'll be adding another part soon don't worry! We only do happy endings in this bitch >:)

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