Life in Hogwarts 🤡

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a/n: SO SORRY I FELL OFF THE FACE OF THE EARTH, I've been pretty busy with long shifts and school work so all the free time i had went to anime cha ching anyways i thought this was cute i started this like three months ago and just now finished it OOPSIES haha gotta blast plz don't kick my ass omg that rhymed
also what house do you guys think i'm in 👉👈
WARNINGS: cursing ofc teehee

• honestly getting gryffindor vibes
• he's a leader and willingly faced his fears for the greater good so...yea imma say gryffindor
• if he plays quidditch he's definitely the seeker
• literally did not give up the search for his brother so that little golden orb is HIS
• he'd probably be great friends with the golden trio, especially Hermione because along with her he'd knock some sense into Harry and Ron
• his favorite class is defense against the dark arts
• he wants to protecc
• for a date he'd totally take you to hogsmeade to check out the shops
• he would most definitely spoil the hecc out of you
• if you're a ravenclaw or hufflepuff he's sneaking into your common room
• if you're a slytherin...nothing against you he just doesn't want to deal with Draco and his crew
• he's a griffindoor with a stutter...he's dead meat
• if you play quidditch for a different house and he's not playing he will 100% be in the stands screaming
• "G-Go Y/n!!!"
• you'd send him a wave which would make his heart flutter and he'd be a blushing mess
• he is best bf

• i literally cannot decide between ravenclaw or slytherin
• he loves birds so i want to say ravenclaw but i feel like he'd fit in slytherin 🥺 I DON'T KNOW
• anyways he's not playing quidditch
• he would never
• i can see him being good friends with Hermione but not so much Ron and Harry
• he gets annoyed by Ron and then there's the simple fact that everything dangerous usually happens because of Harry
• "Can we go one year where we don't have near death experiences every week?? Just once."
• he's also probably good friends with Luna only because of their shared interest in birds
• well, Luna is interested in all sorts of creatures, but Stan is only here for the birds
• his favorite class would be care for magical creatures
• you guys probably saw that coming though..
• for a date he'd take you to the room of requirement
• idk why but i feel like he'd find it so easily
• he wouldn't try and sneak into your common room though, he's not trying to get a howler from his dad
• however if YOU want to sneak over that's fine
• if you play quidditch he'd be supportive but also a complete nervous wreck the whole time
• "Jfc those bludgers are SO CLOSE-"
• if you send him a lil wave he'd act annoyed cuz he doesn't want you getting distracted on the field but he's blushin blushin
• i love him sm

• i don't even have to think
• he's a gryffindor
• and he's best friends with the weasley twins (George is the loml)
• "We should prank Eddie's MOM-"
• he'd so play quidditch and would try out for seeker but end up with beater
• although he's perfectly happy with beater, he just wanted to be seeker to get chicks
• will BEG you to come to his quidditch matches just to show off
• unless you're on the team or on the offending team then he'll just BRAG about how much "better" he is
• smh he knows he can't compare man just has too much pride
• for dates he'd probably drag you along with him and the twins to go prank Snape or something
• "Come on isn't watching his greasy head ass turn blue romantic??"
• if you complain enough he'll eventually take you to hogsmeade under the advice of Bill
• better watch your butterbeer tho his gremlin ass will try and take it when you aren't looking

• 100% hufflepuff
• i will not be arguing on this
• he's probably closest to people like Hermione, Neville, Ginny and Luna where he can TRUST that they're germ free
• they also don't avidly seek danger or are idiots
• i could see him being best friends with Ginny though just trust me on this
• he's lucky enough his mom even ALLOWS him to attend hogwarts, if she found out he was playing such a dangerous sport he'd be getting way more than a howler
• if you play though he might consider attending but don't get your hopes up
• mans has an irrational fear of being hit with a bludger
• he also wouldn't get to see much of the game due to the asthma attack he'd be having at the thought of you getting hurt
• however if you don't play then any time there's a game you best bet he's taking you to the hufflepuff common room for some cuddles
• for dates i'd like to imagine he'd take you up to the astronomy tower
• it's peaceful up there and it's a breath of fresh air
• it's a great escape from the constant threats and stress this school puts on him
• he also loves the way your eyes seem to sparkle when looking at the stars
• cough cough SIMP cough cough

• at first i was going to say slytherin but how funny would it be if she were in gryffindor
• everyone just automatically assumes she's a Weasley cuz of her hair and she's just like ?? what
• "So are you like, a long lost sister or something?"
• "No Fred, I'm thinking a distant cousin perhaps."
• "George there is no way, Mom would-"
• "Please tell me there's another girl in this family."
• "Oi Ginny butt out will ya?"
• "Shut it Fred!"
• cue Beverly slowly retreating
• okok but honestly i can see gryffindor, she's not afraid to be herself and yea gryffindor
• I could see her playing quidditch like a badass, but I can also see her using the games as an opportunity to sneak into places while everyone is busy
• let's be honest the sneaking is probably to secretly smoke oopsies
• for dates she would 110% bring you to the forbidden forest because it's "forbidden" so no one will bother you guys
• you were wrong because five minutes later you were running from Fred and George who had wanted to ambush you to test out a new prank of theirs
• there's no escaping Fred and George when they have the map
• good luck trying to have peaceful dates

• ugh i wanna say ravenclaw but part of me also says hufflepufffffff
• we're gonna go withhhhh hufflepuff
• honestly i can see him being good friends with Harry because they both understand what it's like to have no parents
• but can you imagine Mike and Ron being besties and Ron always bringing Mike over to his house and his family treating him so good i'm CRYING
• like i know Mike has a family of his own but he has a hard life so i think a nice home cooked meal from Mrs Weasley and a chance to mess around and not have to work a job would be so good for him
• i'm literally so soft for him wtf anyways
• the twins would so scare off Henry with their pranks if they found out what Henry does to Mike
• Henry would never stand a chance
• i don't think he'd have time to do quidditch nor find it appealing but if you were on one of the teams he'd def make some room in his schedule to see you play
• he is your #1 fan after all
• if you don't play he's still your #1 fan he doesn't care
• for dates i could see him bringing you to the lake to have a nice picnic
• he's a smooth dude he's got the moves
• let's be honest he'd also take you to hogsmeade and spoil you as much as he can
• i gotta go this is too much bye

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