Break ups are hard

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Fatima: I'm asking you a fucking question Zac. Did you sleep with her
Zac: yes (looking away with tears in his eyes)
Fatima: fuck you. You know what... you were right! You don't deserve me!! After all you put me through I was still ready to ride with you and then you do this? Loose my fucking number. I'll be going upstairs to pack my shit and I want the car that I bought with my own fucking money to be outside when I come out. And you can take the damn keys to the car you bought. I want nothing from you.
Zac: you don't have to leave. It's late. I'll leave instead
Fatima: no! This is your house right? So I'm leaving. You can line up all the bitches you want in here I don't care. I want my car parked outside by the time I come down
Fatima goes to the room and packs all her things
(Phone ringing)
Angela: hey girl did he come home
Fatima: sobbing Angela I don't want to talk about this
Angela: girl what happened? Did he hit you?
Fatima: no Angela I need to go. I'm packing my shit
Angela: girl you need me to come over? I can help you pack
Fatima: no I'm good I'm almost done anyway
Angela: you know you can come to my house
Fatima: don't worry I got the key to my apartment. I'll just sleep there today. Look thanks for calling but I gotta go
Angela: girl what happened
Fatima: bye Angela. And you can tell your friend Belinda that she was right that nigga ain't shit.
Angela: come on don't do that Tima
Fatima: bye Angela I gotta go
(Zac walks in)
Zac: I couldn't get them to bring your car so you can take the one I got for you. I'll have them send you yours tomorrow morning
Fatima: nah I'm good I'll call a ride share I want nothing from you
Zac: Fatima.
Fatima: don't mention my fucking name. Get out of my way.( takes the ring off and throws it at him)
I told you when I was in, I was all in and when I'm gone that's it...there's no coming back. Good bye Zac. Loose my fucking number!

Fatima walks out of the house with her luggage
Deja: hi Neighbor. You going on a girls trip😂😂😂oh I see some luggage and tears. Oh girl, you cry? Shit I need to take a picture of this! there's trouble in paradise.
Fatima: I'm not in the mood for your stupidity. If you don't want to end up in a body bag you better leave me alone
Deja: safe journey neighbor. Bye! You know fine right. I can't wait to enjoy all that dick he's been carrying around. I know you ain't been giving him some pussy. I'll be giving it to  him in every position( proceeds to twerk)
Fatima: you know what? You can have him. I give him to you. Y'all deserve each other bye

Deja goes to knock on Zac's door
Zac: Deja what are you doing here
Deja: I just saw Fatima leave with all her things. Just checking if you are good
Zac: I'm good Deja thank you. You can go now
Deja: you Sure you want no pussy. I can give it to you all night
Zac: Deja I'm not in the mood for your nonsense. Just go
Deja: well okay. I was trying to help your blue balls

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