Christmas came early

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Fatima: I ordered some takeout's for should be in any moment from now

Zac: I'm not hungry thanks

Fatima: babe you've not eaten anything since your mom... (cuts her off)

Zac: I'm good I'm don't have to worry about me 

Fatima: Alright...i'm going to run you a bath upstairs 

Zac: are you not going back to your apartment ?

Fatima: Zac I'm not leaving you 

Zac: That's all you've been doing since we've been when things get tough 

Fatima: babe you are not being fair to me...We've had our own issues but you cannot deny that I was always there for you 

Zac; mmh alright 

Fatima: isee you are not in the best of moods and I understand but i'm not leaving you here by yourself

Zac: you scared Deja will be here to comfort me when you leave?

Fatima: okay...I'm going to act like I didn't hear that and just go upstairs. 

At 2 am Fatima wakes up and realizes Zac is not in bed she goes down and sees him drinking 

Fatima: Zac what are you doing 

Zac: nothing...just thinking about my life 

Fatima: you are drinking at this time? this is not like you

Zac: Stop acting like you know me cos you don't (says slurringly)

Fatima: okay you are drunk..

(pulls him upstairs, runs him a bath and she gets in to bathe the water rushes down on him he begun to sob all over again to the point that he started shivering.. seeing Zac like that broke Fatima and reminded her of the lost of her own child..and she cries as well.)

Fatima: Babe i know how you feel (sobbing and sniffing)

Zac; no you don't... I have no parents... no one to look up to..i have nothing 

Fatima: you have me 

Zac: do I? because you run and up alot 

Fatima: Zacc that's not fair...

Zac: let's just be real with each other... At this point I have nothing to loose..why are you still with me?

Fatima; because i love you Zac...

Zac: oh you do...but do you trust me? because a wise woman once told me love and trust goes hand in hand

Fatima: and that wise woman is your therapist isn't it? (she says angrily dropping the bathing sponge) 

Zac: why do you get so angry when you see her? Tiffany is a beautiful woman no doubt about that...but i choose to be with you and only you because I love you Fatima... i love everything about you...your little snores at night, the way you suck your teeth when you get angry, your stank morning breath, the way you feel when I'm inside you and everything that makes you you...and I wouldn't have you any other way. She has nothing on are a badass 

Fatima: (smiling) my breath don't stink!

Zac: (coughing) yeah you are right...smells like vanilla and bad 

Fatima: Laughing I appreciate  the reassurance but there's something I need to tell you 

Zac: Why do i feel like I'm not going to like this 

Fatima: i want to tell you when you are sober tho not right now 

Zac: I am to me 

Fatima: no you are not...lets go to bed and talk about it tomorrow

At 5am 

Zac: Fatima I'm going to loose my mind from all the tossing and turning going on.

Fatima: I'm sorry for waking you up (crying) 

Zac: Fatima I'm the one that lost a mother what is going on with you....why are you crying

Fatima: I lost my child 

Zac: what? you had a child 

Fatima: (in between hiccups) he was just a baby ( sniffing)

Zac: what are you talking about 

Fatima: I got pregnant when I was with Ian

Zac: what?????? where is the child??

Fatima: i didn't give birth 

Zac: you had a miscarriage?

Fatima: an...abor..tii..oonnn (in tears)...I still think about that poor baby..what life would have been like with him or her

Zac: (turns to hug her) do you want to talk about it?

Fatima: yesss. I want to let my past keeps hunting me and even though i don't like to admit it...i know it hurts our relationship too. 

Zac: what happened 

Fatima: he got me pregnant on purpose even after i told him i wanted things done differently and then he asked me to get rid of the baby...and i did..(wiping her tears as new ones fall).i did because i was a fool and i fully trusted him ....i gave him everything i had...I was willing to do everything and anything for I got rid of my own child! (crying) my poor little baby... i got so excited when i went for a scan and saw his heart beat and he took all that away from me because I trusted him blindly!

Zac: (hugs her tighter) I'm so sorry you had to go through that...but I am not him Tima. I may not be perfect which is very obvious but I promise to do right by your side. And I am so sorry about your baby... I am sure he is looking down right now smiling down on you... creating these lil miracles for you... and maybe if you stop taking those mad pills you've been taking..he might revisit us to tell you he's not mad at you and he understands it wasn't the right time cos he wanted his father to be Zac

Fatima: (burst out laughing in tears) had to sneak that in there? didn't you ! how did you know i was taking a pill 

Zac: oh I know them all...from the IUD, to the pills, to all the other stuff you think you've been hiding. Blocking all my swimmers (he says jokingly)

Fatima: you've been going through my belongings ...that's an invasion of privacy!

Zac: Fatima there's no privacy between us...i've been in and out of everywhere (smirking)...oh and you should get the IUD checked too

Fatima: Zac i don't want to get pregnant 

Zac: ouch that hurts 

Fatima: you have so many baby mama's already...i don't want to add to the long list 

Zac: you don't want to have my baby?

Fatima: i need two rings on my finger before i pop out a baby for you!

Zac: let's do it...we can get married today!

Fatima: you really want to get me pregnant huh

Zac: yes! and to be your love and to hold..

Fatima: alright alright...we can sign in court today...but you better give me my big wedding 

Zac: is that a yes to marrying me ?

Fatima: yes yes yes....and....I'll start therapy as well..I see all the efforts you are making for us to be good and I think its time to reciprocate...death has a way of reminding you to love a lil harder and live a bit here is to loving you...and all of you and making efforts to building a happy home together

Zac: YES! Christmas came early for me !Thank you baby. i love you so much

Fatima; i love you too!

(leans in for a long kiss)


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