Clean up the mess

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Fatima: oh goodness! Why is the house such a mess
Zac: don't worry I'll clean up.. I'll clean up
Fatima: you are not in any condition to clean up. What happened in here
Zac: I got mad because you left and went crazy
Fatima: you can't be doing that
Zac: I know I know. I'm sorry. I'll clean up
Fatima: go upstairs and get some rest. I'll make you dinner and clean up
Zac: I love you so much you have no idea
Fatima: because I put up with all the shit right
Zac: no no because you don't make me feel like shit even when I deserve it
Fatima: well I'll be nice just today. Go upstairs and freshen up. You smell. When was the last time you took a shower
Zac; the day you left
Fatima: goodness! Run upstairs please and soak all that stinkiness
Someone knocks at the door
Fatima: who's there
Connie: it's me Connie. I want to talk to Zac
Fatima opens the door
Fatima: bitch what are you doing here
Connie: oh shit I thought you two were no longer together
Fatima: so what are you here for
Connie: I need to talk to Zac
Fatima: not while I'm here
Connie: the boys were right you really are a bitch
Fatima: girl if you don't get the fuck out of here I'll loose it  and when I go there, there's no off switch
Connie: look I'm sorry. I just need to talk to Zac
Fatima: he's not available. If you have something to say, say it to me
Connie: okay. Girl shit I'm horny. I came for some dick. The boys said y'all broke up so Whatsup what you still doing here?
Fatima: (screaming) Zaccc
Zac comes down with a towel covering him
Fatima: can you wear some fucking pants please
Zac:you called me here I thought you needed something my bad
Fatima: get dressed before you come down here
Zac: who's at the door
Connie: it's me Zac.
Zac: shit Connie??
Connie: your one and only. Tell your girl to let me in
Zac hurried to dress and comes out
Zac: Connie what are you doing here
Connie: the last time you said the only reason you won't fuck me is because y'all were together. Nate told me she left you so I figured you know we can get dirty and do some nasty nasty things together
Zac: Connie will you show some respect to my girl please
Connie: so y'all are back together or something
Zac: yes
Fatima: no we are not! I came here to take care of him but it looks like he got you for that so I'll just leave
Zac: no no no....Connie is leaving. Connie please leave
Connie: you will call me right
Zac: Connie I'm not calling you. You have to go please
Connie: we go way back. Why are you treating me like this. Is it cause she's bougie. Even when you were with Karen we were still having a good time! Don't do that
Zac pushes Connie out of the door and slams it
Fatima: this is what you want me to put up with?
Zac: Fatima im so sorry. I don't even know why I do the things I do. I'm sorry for putting you through so much but I want to make it right please.
Fatima: no Zac. This is too much. Deja, Karen, girls in strip clubs, baby mamas and now this hoe? I'm going to my apartment.
Zac: Fatima I'm still hurt you can't leave me here like this. Please.... The doctor said I ...
Fatima: I know what the doctor said I was there.
Zac : I'll sleep on the couch you don't have to be in the same bed as me but it's already late.
Fatima: how can you sleep on the couch when you are like this.
Zac: I don't mind sleeping on the couch. But I can't sleep when you are not here. Please
Fatima: I moved all my stuff I don't have anything to wear here
Zac: you can wear my shirt
Angela calling
Angela: girl I'm headed to your apartment. Where you at
Fatima: I'm not there
Angela: where are you. I need to talk to you
Fatima: I'm at Zac's
Angela; what are you doing there girl
Fatima: I'll explain later...can I call you back
Angela: girl are you having sex with that man. you might get an infection with the way he's sleeping around! Don't do it
Fatima: bye Angela
Angela: don't give Roxy up please
Fatima: bye girl
Zac: I run you a bath upstairs and I'm going to get a pillow so I can sleep on the couch
Fatima: I didn't say I was going to sleep here
Zac: well the door is locked and I need you here just for today please
Fatima: I made you some dinner and put the medicine you need on the counter. Eat and take the medicine
Zac: yes ma'am
Fatima goes upstairs and sees roses laid on the bed with an apology note from Zac, her ring, new car keys and the key to the apartment
Zac's note
Fatima, I know I'm fucked up and I've proved time and time again that I don't deserve you!  But I've never loved anyone this much and I've never been loved like this. Letting you go will be letting a part of me go and I won't be able to function well without you. Give me one last chance to make things right. I love you with all my heart and I'm willing to do anything and everything to get you back, love Zac ❤️
Fatima: (talking to herself) girl don't fall for this shit! Don't
Zac comes up.
Fatima: what are you doing up here I thought you were sleeping on the couch
Zac: I couldn't sleep
Fatima: well take your medicine
Zac: you are my medicine. I can't sleep when you are not here
Fatima: Zac stop please I need some time
Zac: okay I'll give you all the time you want. I'm going down. Thanks for staying and I love you
Fatima: I hear you.
At 2 am Zac has a nightmare and starts screaming and crying so Fatima rushes down to the couch and realizes his temperature was very high
Fatima: babe we need to go to the clinic. This is not looking good
Zac:still in tears. I'm sorry for everything I did Fatima
Fatima: babe I know but we need to get you to the hospital
Zac: no no I'm not going back there. I want to be with you
Fatima: I'm not a doctor I don't know how I can help you
Zac: just hold me please
Fatima: let me get something to see if your temperature goes down.
After some time his temperature dropped
Fatima: o thank God it dropped that was scary!
Zac: I told are my medicine
Fatima: what was the nightmare about
Zac: my childhood. I don't want to talk about it
Fatima: okay but promise me you'll start therapy
Zac: I promise I will. I need it. To be a better person so I can love you the way you deserve
Fatima: the therapy has to be for you, your well being... and not for me
Zac: will you go with me
Fatima: yes
He hugs her and starts crying again
Zac: I love you so much ti
Fatima: I know....
He starts kissing her
Fatima: Zac no no we shouldn't do this
Zac: I'm not doing anything I just want to hold you
Fatima: Zac you are already hard. Look at you

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