Hard conversations

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Zac: ( mumbling)Fatima
Fatima: babe I'm here, do you need anything
Zac: thanks for staying. Fatima I'm so sorry for everything
Fatima: it's okay we will talk about it later. I need to ask you a question
Zac: okay anything
Fatima: are you doing drugs
Zac: what? No. Fatima you know I don't do that type of shit
Fatima: the doctor said he found something
Zac: it's Connie
Fatima: the bitch you fucked
Zac: I did not sleep with her
Fatima: so what were you doing in her house
Zac: I heard she's been doing dope with my mama. I went to talk to her
Fatima: to talk? Zac I'm not stupid. Why would your mom say she saw you fucking her
Zac: cos my mama ain't shit! And she doesn't like you
Fatima: well I know that
Zac. I promise.... I swear on everything I've never cheated on you since we've been together
Fatima: I saw you come out of Deja's house hard. Zac do you know how disrespectful that is
Zac: I know I know but I can't control when I get my erection. I can only control not acting on the erection but I'm a man my shit is going to always act up but I chose not to do anything with her because I love you Fatima.
Fatima: you didn't do anything with deja ?
Zac: I swear. If I did I would have come out soft. You know that
Fatima: I can't tell with you cos you are ready to go the next round always
Zac: only with you. I promise
Fatima: Zac you hurt me.
Zac: I know I know (tries to get up but feels a sharp pain and falls back) I'mma do better
Fatima: and you were so disrespectful to my parents
Zac: I'll go and apologize to them. I'm sorry please forgive me
Fatima: Zac I love you. I really do...but I don't think this relationship is headed the right way. Everything that happened this last few weeks has been so toxic
Zac: Fatima what are you saying
Fatima: I don't think I'm ready to marry you
Zac: that guy got in your head right
Fatima: no! Your attitude did! You can't be coming out of Deja's house hard and think it's okay because nothing happened that was disrespectful as hell
Zac: you've been holding out on me
Fatima: so you want to sleep around ?
Zac: no no... I love sex with you
Fatima: I do too but I need some breaks in between. That's all I said
Zac: okay okay I bet you. I won't mention sex again. I won't force you to do it if you don't want to
Fatima: so what will you do when you get horny
Zac: I'll use the side chick
Fatima: (clears throat) about that... I think you are doing a bit too much with it
Zac: damn Fatima!!!you ain't giving me nothing and you complaining about a toy? Come on now that's not fair
Fatima: I know I know. I just need you to pace yourself you know. Not be horny all the time that's why I think you need to speak to a therapist
Zac: Fatima I don't have a problem. Men are engineered to be that way. I just have a higher sex drive I get that but if you don't want to do nothing with me I respect that too
Fatima: oh you do?
Zac: yhup. But can I be truthful
Fatima: go ahead.
Zac: when you say no to me I feel like you don't love me or you are not attracted to me... like there's something wrong with me. No woman ever said no to me
Fatima: well that's not true. I love you and I'm very much attracted to you. I love everything about you... your body... your eyes.... Your nose... the dick.. I like seeing it when it gets hard and it curves to the right😉Got my legs shaking when you hit all the right spots🍆💦. I enjoy sex with you...I say no because I'm sore half of the time. You don't give me anytime to recover and you are ready to go again that's not good for my health as a woman.
Zac: well we could do other things when you are sore down there.... (Starts caressing her breathing )
Fatima: see what I'm talking about! You are in the hospital bed with a big old bandage on your head and you are trying to get some ass. That's the problem! You need help
Zac: I need help because I'm attracted to my fiancé ?
Fatima: no that's not what I mean.
Zac: so what do you mean? I only get some Pussy when you are in the mood and when I'm in the mood I'm supposed to stare at the ceiling
Doc enters
Doc:(clears throat) I hope I'm not disturbing anything
Zac:no doc. She's not going to give me nothing anyway so might as well come in
Fatima: Zac!!
Zac: what??? Doc I got a question for you
Doc: shoot mr Taylor
Zac: I see the ring on your finger so you must be married. How many times do y'all do it
Fatima: doc I'm so sorry. He still has a fever. He doesn't know what he's taking about
Doc: ( trying to control his laughter)
Zac: no I'm serious. We aren't married and I'm not getting nothing. When we get married it will be a desert over there
Fatima: Zac will you stop embarrassing the doctor
Doc: no I'm not embarrassed. Actually I have a friend who does couples therapy about these conversations I can hook y'all up
Zac: another therapy 🤦🏼‍♂️fuck!
Doc: what do you have against therapy.
Zac: nothing nothing. I just don't want to be telling some dude about my life
Doc: it doesn't have to be a dude. It could be a woman
Zac: Sike worse. Well I'll leave her card on the table here and you can call her for an appointment when you want to.
Fatima: thanks doc
Doc: your tests came out fine. You should be out of here soon. I wrote some prescriptions for you. Try and take them and come back tomorrow to have your bandage changed
Zac: thanks doc
Fatima: alright so I'll take you home and then go to my apartment
Zac: what ? Are you serious. I thought we were good. I told you I didn't cheat on you
Fatima: Zac it's not just about you cheating. The man I saw this past few weeks scared me. I was desperate. I don't want to go through that again. So in as much as I love you and it kills me to say this... we can't continue like nothing ever happened
Zac: Fatima what are you saying to me
Fatima: I'm saying that I'll take you home, make sure you are good and then I'll go to my apartment
Zac: wow. It's that dude isn't it
Fatima: what dude
Zac; it's alright. I got you. I got you. Just know that I love you
Fatima: I love you too
Zac tries to lean in for a kiss but she swerves it

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