Cuddle buddies

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At the barbershop
Tyronne: I told you to stop seeking relationship advice from single people my boy. Nate and tony are the worse people to give advice
Zac : I know man... I know. What can I do? It seems she's logged out of this relationship. You know she still wouldn't take the ring back
Tyrone: boy... if everything you told me is to go by... you really hurt that girl and I'm surprised she took care of you after that incident. It shows she's a keeper son. Don't loose her.
Zac: she won't even answer my calls
Tyrone: maybe she needs space boy... so give her space
Zac: but I miss her. The house is so dead without her
Tyrone: then fight to get her back
Nate and tony walk in
Nate: ayo! Zac attack! Today's a Friday night... we bought a ticket for you to the club
Tony: yhup! And we are not taking no for an answer
Tyrone: guys leave him alone. He's still recovering. He doesn't need to be in a club
Zac: I'm going  home boys! Thanks for the ticket but no thanks. I have stuff to do
Nate: bro you heard that 😂😂he said he has "stuff" to do?? Bro what stuff, madam ain't giving you no pussy. We are giving you a free pass to some good pussy
Zac: can you for once respect the fact that I love Fatima? Like guys please stop this
Tony: aight aight bro. We got you! She home?
Zac: no, she moved out
Nate: oh that's good. We don't need to go to the club then. We can have the party at your place
Zac: you are sick man... get help. I'm out of here. Thanks Mr Tyronne. I'll hala at you later
Tyrone: copy
Zac goes to Fatima's apartment and sees Paul coming out of the apartment
Zac: what is this nigga doing here
Fatima: Zac I'm not in the mood to argue with you. What are you doing here ?
Paul: I'll see you later Fatima
Fatima: alright. Have a good night
Zac: 👋 hello 👋 I'm still standing here I'm not a ghost.
Fatima: Zac I had a long day ...I'm tired. I've got no time to argue with you
Zac: you got the nigga that injured me in your house and you are not going to explain why?
Fatima: no... cos I don't owe you any explanation
Zac: Fatima...
Fatima: Zac look I'm tired... I need some rest and you need to go
Zac: I'm not leaving till we talk
Fatima: alright then. Talk behind the door. If you would excuse me I need to lock my door.
Zac: you are asking me to leave?
Fatima: I'm tired, I need to rest and I presume you need some rest too. Wait.. when was the bandage taken off
Zac: you are just noticing ?
Fatima: I don't even care... my bad for asking can you please go I need to lock my door.

Zac  gets on his knees and puts his head on Fatima's belly
Zac: Tima.... I don't know what is going on with you but I want us to be there for each other. I've never seen you act this way towards me and I don't know what to do. I miss you so much... please talk to me.
Fatima: Zac this is not about you... really you don't have to kneel down
Zac: then what is it about
Fatima: it's about me... my life, my career, my future
Zac: we are a team tima. Your future is my future. You don't have to go through it alone.
Fatima: Zac you are the least reliable person I know
Zac: because you never let me help you with anything. I always want to be there for you but you keep shutting me out. I don't know how to help if you don't let me.
Fatima: my mom called me to remind me of what a big failure I am.. there you have it... I said it
Zac: (quickly jumps off his knees) what ?? You ???a failure? Fatima you are the most focused, hardworking and independent woman I know. Your mom must be drunk on some cheap wine cos she has no idea what a badass daughter she has
Fatima: you are saying all this cos you want to get into my pants😂and it's working
Zac: I do want to get into your pants... no doubt about that.. but I don't need to say all this just for some ass... I'm saying this because I mean it and it's the truth. You are the most badass, bougie, determined and sexy woman I've ever met
Fatima: awwwn Zac
Zac: deadass! So what you saying my lawyer👀how's the future looking for us... emphasis on us
Fatima: well she reminded me of how I keep putting off law school and the fact that I'm not married
Zac: If you say yes to me today, I'd very much like to marry you today
Fatima: I want my big wedding babyyyy!!! And a honeymoon on a yacht!
Zac: and you'll have your big wedding... what do you need to go to law school.
Fatima: well first I have to study to take the LSAT
Zac: well that can be arranged. We can draw out a study plan. Schedule the test, you go in like the queen you are and rock the test
Fatima: you have so much faith in me!
Zac: I do...if anyone can make anything happen it's you Tima. I'm 100% confident about that
Fatima: thank you babe
(Inches forward to give him a kiss)
Zac: what I'm I supposed to do with this dry ass kiss?
Fatima: I don't want to have sex Zac
Zac: see? I didn't say anything about sex
Fatima: you suggested it
Zac: when? I said DRY ASS KISS not sex... sex, kiss... two different words
Fatima: alright alright. I just want to hang out with you... you know just talk about our lives and our future... just cuddle 🥰 ..
Zac: that's a plan my cuddle buddy! Give me a handshake 🤝
The give each other their code handshake 🤝
(Proceeds to take his shirt off)
Fatima: Zac... why are you taking your shirt off.
Zac: trying to get comfy
Fatima: no no no. That we are not going to do... put the shirt back on... I know what you are trying to do... it's not going to work today
Zac: what I'm I trying to do? I just want to spend some quality time with you
Fatima: yes with your shirt on
Zac: you think I'm this horny dog always trying to get some ass don't you? That's not fair Fatima. But no worries I'm putting my shirt back on
Fatima: could have fooled me
Zac: what?
Fatima eyes his erection and he tries to cover it with his hand
Zac: alright alright my bad. But I promise I'm not trying to get into your pants.... I mean if you offer it why not? Doctor says sex is good for my emotional and physical well-being. I'll take you up on the offer but if you don't, I won't push up on you
Fatima: what doctor you've been talking to
Zac: oh my new therapist. Tiffany
Fatima: you have a female therapist? Boy what is her last name??
Zac: I'm not telling you
Fatima: why not?
Zac: you think you are sleek... I know you'll be doing your research so go ahead... I'm not telling you her last name tho.
Fatima: you know I'll find out
Zac: I know. But you are not finding out from me
Fatima: hahaha how has therapy been
Zac: good good she's a very um....thick woman
Fatima: boy don't play with me
Zac: no no I mean umm thick in the head.. like she carries so much wisdom. Yh Yh that's what I mean
Fatima: when is your next therapy
Zac: tomorrow
Fatima: I'll come with you
Zac: are you sure
Fatima: yes we are a team right? We will go through therapy as a unit!
Zac: bet bet.. I low key miss this apartment... we had so much memories in here
Fatima: (goes to lie on his chest while his hands run through her hair lazily) I know. We had good times here
Zac: and mad sex too 😂😂!!! You remember the first time 🤣
Fatima: Boy... like it was yesterday!
Zac: I wish you knew how much I love you
Fatima: I love you too Zac
Zac: sooooo what was ole boy doing here👀

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