We over me

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Fatima: He came to apologize for what happened at the restaurant

Zac: I'm the one he needs to apologize to. I was the one that got injured

Fatima: but you hit him first!

Zac: are you defending him?

Fatima: no that's not the point... the point is violence is never the answer

Zac: excuse me? What you do to Deja on a daily basis is not violence??? You smashed Heather's head on the wall too! Fatima you're more violent than I am

Fatima: well Deja deserves some ass whopping, but I did Heather that for you!

Zac: How did he find your apartment though?

Fatima: he said he wasn't going to tell me his source. So, I don't know

Zac; see. The man has a source for everything, a therapist, and now he can just walk into your apartment anytime he wants... cool cool isee

Fatima: Can we not? Please.... We were having a good time. Don't ruin it

Zac: as usual! Shove Zac's opinion and feelings down his throat... Fatima who is the man in this relationship?

Fatima: you... you are the man

Zac; it doesn't feel like it... you never listen to me... and you disregard my feelings

Fatima: I'm sorry if I make you feel that way. I'll do better going forward.

Zac: thank you... and you'll let me take the trash out, fix your car when it breaks down, lay the pipe down ??

Fatima: yessss... I guesssss

Zac: good good... I'm kinda hungry...there's no food in here?

Fatima: boy, I just moved in here. I have nothing for you.. we could go grab some groceries for dinner tho

Zac; or you could give me the food that is available

Fatima: what food? I just told you there's nothing here

Zac: I want some pussy....

Fatima: Zaccccc

Zac: I'm playing.. I'm playing....why do you get so agitated when I mention sex.. you used to enjoy it. I don't know what changed

Fatima: I still enjoy it.... but I'm enjoying my break too...still wanna come grocery shopping?

Zac: yh of course... I'm after you

At the grocery shop, they bump into Karen

Karen: Zac are you okay? How's your head

Fatima: He's clearly fine if he is at the grocery shop

Karen: bitch I'm not talking to you

Fatima: Zac...talk to your baby mama

Zac: Karen apologise to her!

Karen: what? I'm not apologizing for nothing

Zac: Karen apologise to Fatima

Fatima: I don't need any apologies from her... she's clearly bitter. I'm not going to entertain her today. You better be glad I'm in a good mood today... I'm sparing your ass. I'm 2 seconds away from going off on you! Let's go Zac

[Car ride home]

Zac: well you are quiet.. whatsup

Fatima: just tired

Zac; you sure?

Fatima: yhup... whatsup with you and Bryce tho

Zac: we agreed to dissolve the business and split the profits

Fatima: why would you do that?

Zac; cos things have been tense between us after the kiss

Fatima: well.... I don't think going your separate ways is the right idea

Zac: why?? The dude tried to kiss me!

Fatima: I know.. I know you feel violated and I understand that babe...

Zac: not just violated... I'm hurt... I thought I found a confidant in him...you know... Tony and Nate are full of shit and Bryce is more calm, collected and calculated...so I felt comfortable discussing stuff with him

Fatima; yh I get that... but babe letting him go will not be good for us... he knows a lot about the SEC and business in general.

Zac: so what are you saying?

Fatima: that you two put your differences aside and make the business work

Zac: you sure?

Fatima: 100%.. he knows too much to let him go. If he says a word they are coming for your ass! I suggest we invite him to dinner... talk and straighten stuff with him

Zac: (smiling)

Fatima: boy what's the huge smile for... you loved the kiss with Bryce like that?

Zac: hell no... you realized you said "we".. we should invite him to dinner, we should talk to him... we we we I loved that! We over me babyyyyy!!!!!

Fatima: we in this together! You and me

Zac: mannn I love you! You have no idea

Fatima; I love you too

Zac: I'll talk to him tomorrow at the office and extend the dinner invitation to him

Fatima: good!

Zac: oh I was thinking... that you know we have dinner with your parents and i... apologize to them

Fatima; ummm... now is not the right time

Zac: why not? I want to apologize... and start things over with them... you know... do things the right way. I should have spoken to them before proposing to you... I feel its time to talk to them and make things right

Fatima: I understand and appreciate that...but let's give it some time.. it's too soon

Zac: Fatima... are you all in on this?

Fatima: yes

Zac: it doesn't seem that way to me. It's like you have one foot out the door

Fatima: no I don't!

Zac: okay so when are you moving back to the house

Fatima: Zac.. I'm not moving back in with you... we jumped the gun with that and it's very obvious we both need our space

Zac: wow

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