Restraining order

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Zac ends up drunk in his apartment and wakes up with a terrible headache. (Hears a knock at the door)
Zac: who's there?
Tony: yo Zac it's me tony
Zac: nigga wtf do you want
Tony: come on bro. We are brothers you don't have to talk to me like that. I came to check on you
(Zac opens the door)
Tony: damn bro you look like shit. And what happened to this house?
Zac: I need to see Fatima
Tony: man you can't see her like this. Look at you. You look like a shadow of yourself
Zac: I need to tell her the truth. I need to get her back. Fuck I messed up! She took the ring off tony! She threw the ring at me last night
Tony: but why did you tell her you slept with Connie
Zac: it was Gladys not me
Tony: so you should have just told her the truth
Zac: I know Man I know I fucked up. I need to see her like right now!
Tony: come on man you can't go see her looking and smelling like this. Go take a shower put yourself together and I'll take you to where she is. Do you know where she is
Zac: idk shit maybe her parents house or Angela's. Oh bro I can't go there I messed things up with them too last night
Tony: mannn what did you do
Zac: I messed up. Big time. Let's go to her office
Tony: are you sure you want to do this?
Zac: yes yes

At Fatima's office
Andi starts coughing
Fatima: girl you okay ?
Andi: look behind you and tell me if you are okay
( Fatima turns around and sees Zac)
Fatima: nigga what the fuck are you doing here?
Zac: I need to talk to you
Fatima: I have nothing to say to you. get out before I call security
Zac: babe are you going to embarrass me infront of all these people
Fatima: nigga are you delusional? If you don't get the fuck out of this place I'm going to loose my shit. I don't want to talk to you
Tony: come on Fatima don't do my bro like that. look at him. He's not been himself . He loves you
Fatima: I'm not talking to you Tony and don't fucking talk to me like we are friends. I don't know you
Tony: alright alright my bad. Bro let's go. This is not the right time
Zac: no I'm not leaving till I talk to you Ti.
Fatima: do you want me to loose my job? Cos I don't mind creating a scene here and I would if you don't get the fuck out of here
Zac: I just want to say I'm sorry and that I love you so much!
Fatima: I don't need you to say nothing to me. You have 2 seconds to get out of here before I call security
Andi: Fatima. Why don't you talk to him. Just Listen to what he has to say
Fatima: no andi! Im done with him. I don't want anything to do with this man! You know what he put me through? Im not listening to shit he has to say and Zac I'm warning you, the next time you show your face at my workplace or come anywhere close to me, (goes close to him and whispers) I'll put a gun to your head. Now get lost!
Zac: I don't give a fuck if I die. I have no life without you.
Fatima: for the sake of your babies and your babymothers you should care and not mess with me. The last time I shot, was a warning shot I'm done giving warning shots. The next time I'm hitting the target straight. And tony If you care about your lil friend here, you'll drag him out of here
Tony: yo bro let's go
Zac: Fatima doesn't mean what she's saying! She's angry! I know her! She doesn't mean It
Fatima calls security and have them take Zac out of the office
Fatima: I don't want to see this man in this building again! I'm getting a restraining order against you, Zac. And let me be clear...  once I have that, blowing your motherfucking head out will be self defence. I hope I made myself clear!

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