Crazy girl; Happy man

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Car conversation on their way home

Zac: why you gotta be like that Fatima! That's my therapist

Fatima: Zac she was flirting with you...I'm not crazy

Zac: then stop acting like you are crazy!

Fatima: what the fuck are you telling me

Zac:I said stop fucking acting like you are crazy

Fatima: nigga what the fuck are you yelling for

Zac: you beg me to see a therapist...I make an attempt to see one and then you threaten to blow her head out...what do you want me to do

Fatima: there are plenty therapists out don't have to see a woman

Zac: wow..women are their own enemies...why you gotta turn against each other...this is some crazy shit

Fatima: stop talking to me like I'm crazy...I'm not..and stop yelling..I'm not 5miles away...I'm sitting in the same car with you

Zac: alright alright.. do you

Fatima: look I don't want to argue with you

Zac: I'm not arguing with you either

Fatima: good (she snorts)

Zac: fine

Fatima : fine

After minutes of a Long silence between them

Fatima: you can just take me to my apartment

Zac: fine!

Upon arrival at her apartment
Fatima: Zac look I'm not trying to argue with you

Zac: me neither

Fatima: so what's the attitude for

Zac: nothing..give me your car keys...I'd pick your car from work and drop it off so you don't have to Uber to work tomorrow

Fatima: thanks

(Takes the keys from her bag and hands it over to him...they lock eyes and start kissing hungrily)
Fatima unzips  his  pants in a swift motion and starts  giving him head making Zac moan uncontrollably they both take their seat belts off at the same time and adjust the car seats...

Zac: I want you...(he whispers while dropping kisses on her earlobe)

Fatima: I want you tooo (her voice is husky with lust and desire)

she moves from her seat to straddle Zac. She bites down on her lower lips and he intuitively moves his hands to her Breast while using his other hand to shift her thong to the side . She adjusts his dick to her center and eases down on it while moaning his name in ecstasy and starts riding him. Zac buries his face in her breast to hide his exasperated moans. His fingers dive into her hair tugging hard. They move in sync...and their Moans get louder as they climaxed together.

Zac:what just happened (cleans the sweat on her forehead)

Fatima: shut up (her voice drops low and sultry as she gasps for breath)

Zac: you like this angry sex shit...don't you!! shit be turning you on like that? (Laughing) that's why you keep picking fights with me..

Fatima: you look hot when you angry...feels like I'm testing your stamina

Zac: I knew you was crazy!! I love you babe (starts kissing

Fatima:(in between kisses) I love you too

Zac: round 2? (Takes her hands and puts it on his erection)

Fatima leans in to kiss him harder, their tongues dancing....sucking his lower lips and massaging his erection. They get out of their little bubble upon hearing a knock on the car window..

Andi: giving Atlanta the show ain't it! You guys are infront of her apartment!!! couldn't wait to get inside???

Fatima: the windows are tinted did you see anything

Andi: I didn't! Thank God...with the way the car was shaking...if I saw anything, I would have been traumatized

Zac: (scoffing)

Fatima: Andi ...what are you doing here

Andi : ummm (trying to hide her smile) since my assistant never returned to the office after saying she will be back in an the good boss I am...I came to check if she was okay because she wasn't answering my calls...but with the noise y'all were making I bet you didn't even hear your phone ring

Fatima: (laughing) Andi im so sorry..I'll umm...I'll get everything done tonight

Andi: with the way he's looking at you and the way your nipples are staring at me...I doubt! As the very compassionate and understanding boss that I am...I'll leave you to it...bye girl...Zac take it easy on her I don't want her sleeping on the clock

Zac: I'll try not to keep her awake all night

Fatima: boy you are going home! I have to wake up early tomorrow

Zac: I'm not going nowhere with my dick like this Tima..

Fatima: okay fine...come on in... you are not hitting it all night tho..I have to wake up early for work

Next morning
Fatima: good morning up early

Zac: I slept well

Fatima: I had no sleep!!

Zac: whose fault is it

Fatima: are you asking me??? What you cooking tho I'm starving

Zac: your favorite

Fatima:mmmh smells good look happy this
morning...I love that

Zac: cause I'm a happy some good pussy last night you know (chuckles) I've not felt this good in a long time

Fatima:mmh I see

Zac: Yh from ole the back seat...on the couch...we were thotting it up...reminds me of old times

Fatima: boy bye...I'm heading to the office

Zac: give me 5 minutes and I'll make it worth your time (licks his lips)

Fatima: you are insatiable...I can't keep up..I'm not going to stay here for more than a second before you bend me over this table so I'll pass on breakfast

(Gives him a kiss and rushes out)
Opening the door and turns

Fatima: oh and before I forget again...we need to talk about yesterday's therapy

Zac: shit

Fatima: yes...we will talk about it tonight.. have a great day

Zac: oh my day is great... my night was better

Fatima: I can't with you

Zac: I love you

Fatima: love you too...bye...lock up when you are leaving

Zac: I hope Andi is not too hard on you...that's my job! (Smirks)

Fatima: I see what you did there😂😂😂! Boy bye!

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